Page 96 of Fallout (Crank 3)

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as if I belong to him. Hmm.


At lunch, sitting on the lawn,

absorbing cool autumn sun.

Thinking about the other guy.

He comes up behind me and

when I turn, reacts immediately.

Holy crap. That’s fucking nasty.

It is pretty swollen and in a few

small places, the adhesive has

come unstuck. I dabbed blood

a few times this morning.

Unlike Kyle, Matt is not

inclined to touch the thing.

In fact, he looks kind of nauseated

when he says, Hope whoever did

that to you looks worse than you do.

Ouch. I’d chalk that up to being

a male reaction, if not for the one

I got earlier from—Stop already.

“I dunno. Haven’t seen her this

morning.” Come to think of it,

she wasn’t in chemistry today.

Oh. Well, do you want to tell me

what happened? The tone of his

voice says he doesn’t really care.

He is just voyeuristic

enough to enjoy the bitch

fight part. But that isn’t what

matters, and if he enjoyed
