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As the assistant in the jeweller’s had spoken of lovers being brought closer by emeralds her heart had flickered with a little flame of hope. He’d taken the ring and purposefully put it on her finger, but she knew he hadn’t given it because of love. Deep down, she knew he didn’t love her and never would. He only wanted his child and he was prepared to offer anything.

She looked at Nikos, resplendent in his evening suit, so handsome he took her breath away. As his gaze met hers, full of desire, she saw the man she’d fallen in love with—the one she’d thought she knew so well. His gaze lingered on her, and despite the trappings of wealth and power the fisherman who’d stolen her heart was still there. Deep beneath the surface, but still there.

The flicker of hope that something could be salvaged grew.

The doors of the lift began to close again, startling her, and with lightning-quick reaction Nikos moved forward, stopping the doors. He held out his hand to her, his face serious and intent. If she took his hand now it would mean so much more than this moment. She would be accepting everything.

Her heart beat a loud rhythm as she looked into his eyes, searching for answers to questions she dared not ask. He didn’t move, didn’t break eye contact as a myriad of thoughts crashed over her. Finally she did what she knew she had to, what she knew was inevitable, and placed her hand in his.

He braced his body against the lift doors as they threatened to close again and closed his hand around hers. His blue eyes continued to lure her as she walked towards him, and with her hand tightly in his, her body sizzling from his touch, they walked out of the lift and towards his apartment.

The key turning in the lock made a loud click, highlighting the laden silence. With purpose he opened the door, leading her through and then pushing it swiftly shut behind him. Before she could say anything his body pressed her against the wall of the hallway, his hands against the wall on either side of her head. His lips claimed hers in a deep and demanding kiss and she arched herself against him, winding her arms about his neck.

This was what she’d wanted for the past three months. As the magnitude of her pregnancy had registered, shocking her with its implications, she’d still wanted him. Even the shocking deal he’d put to her hadn’t dampened the passion in any way, and right now all she wanted was to love him—enough for both of them.

‘Serena...’ he whispered as he pulled back from her, his fingers tangling in her hair. ‘With passion such as this burning between us it doesn’t matter why we are together. The marriage will work.’

Her heart broke a little. But what had she expected? Words of love? In reality she knew she’d never hear such words from Nikos. He didn’t want to love or be loved, but he was right about the passion. It sparked between them like fireworks on New Year’s Eve. It was wild and reckless and totally consuming.

‘Yes—yes, it will.’ She stumbled over the words, her breath coming in short gasps. She couldn’t completely take in what he’d said. Her body trembled too much with need for his touch.

He lowered his head, pressing his lips so gently against hers she almost cried. Then he traced a line of soft kisses down her neck, lingering on her shoulder as she tilted her head to one side, allowing him greater access and sighing with pleasure. The fingers entwined in her hair pulled free and stroked her cheek tenderly.

She reached up, placing her hand over his, stilling the movement. It was too much. It made her dare to believe he loved her. But she knew he didn’t. She knew it was nothing more than lust.

He looked into her eyes and smiled, the lips that had just kissed her neck so persuasively drawing her gaze.

‘I will make you mine, Serena, and the only place for that is in my bed.’

She couldn’t fight him any longer. Being in his arms, his bed—it was all she wanted, all her body craved.

‘Then take me there,’ she teased, shocking herself, but enjoying the sexy look Nikos gave her. Would it be so bad to give in to what raged between them when they were to be married?

He stood back from her, his heavy gaze sweeping down her body, lingering on her breasts for just long enough to send heat hurtling through her. Again he took her hand and led her through the apartment to the only room she hadn’t yet seen. His bedroom.

He opened the door, revealing a masculine space dominated by a large bed, bathed in the glow of golden light coming through the balcony windows.

He drew her into the room and looked down at her. Slowly he pulled his tie undone, tossing it to the floor, where it was soon joined by his jacket. She looked at the shirt, so white against his dark skin, and willed her eyes to stay open instead of closing in pleasure.
