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‘Not when she was old enough to be sent away to school—which she wished they’d do. Instead my parents moved us and tried to make a new start. But it didn’t work. It didn’t change a thing. My father still saw other women, covering his tracks with ever more elaborate lies, and my mother still resented me—her mistake.’

The comparison didn’t go unnoticed. ‘And is my baby your mistake?’

She glared at him, waves of anger coming from her, and he knew the answer before she even said it. It was exactly as he felt. The baby they’d created that night hadn’t been planned, but neither was it a mistake. He was prepared to do anything for it.

He didn’t ever want his child to think it was a mistake. His lack of family as a boy made him want to give his child all he’d never had. Which was exactly what he’d intended to do as he’d stood there, anger simmering, the day he’d got that text from Serena.

‘Coming back here has been my mistake.’

Who was this cold woman? Every last trace of warmth had left her and she stood like an ice queen, strong and determined before him.

‘I don’t want my child to grow up wearing the label of a mistake. I want it to be happy. But that will never happen because its parents will be constantly arguing. I’ve seen it all before, Nikos, and I won’t do it to our child.’

He saw her hands gripping each other tightly, felt the heated anger of her explanation in every word.

She was right. They couldn’t live together—not happily. He’d have to accept that being the part-time father of a happy child was the only and best solution.

‘Very well. I shall make arrangements for you to return to England today.’

If she was planning to walk away from him then he’d make the arrangements for her. It would give him back control—make the decision his as much as hers.

She looked momentarily dazed. What had she expected him to do? Beg her to stay? He’d done that with his mother but she hadn’t listened. Why should Serena be any different?

He hadn’t even been able to call her name after their passionate night on the beach. He’d watched her walk away and despite the way she’d made him feel, the things she’d made him want, had remained steadfastly silent.

‘Thank you.’

She pulled the engagement ring from her finger and walked towards the table, which had now been set for breakfast. She placed the ring on the polished wood.

‘I have all my belongings with me. I don’t need to go back to Athens for anything. If you’ll excuse me? I want to shower and change.’

Her big green eyes held his and he saw her lips press together, hinting that she wasn’t as strong as she wanted him to think. Then he looked at her dress, rumpled from their passionate tumble on the bed. Had that really happened? It seemed like days—weeks, even—since they’d been at his grandmother’s and she’d laughed and smiled. It didn’t seem possible that it had only been a short time ago that she was seducing him, tormenting him so wildly with her body.

Those three words, seemingly harmless, had done nothing more than suffocate what they’d shared since returning to Athens. It had all been an act of convenience—one to secure her sister’s future along with her child’s. She had gone too far when she’d said she loved him. And if that wasn’t harsh enough she’d tried to back it up later—as if he would fall for such nonsense. It had been the last straw.

He watched her walk into the bedroom and clenched his hands into tight fists. He would not beg—not even to make arrangements for his child’s future. He’d never beg for anything from a woman.

* * *

Serena closed the bedroom door, shutting out the black mood that had Nikos in its grip, and sat on the bed, totally shocked that just a short time ago they had been there, making love. Everything had been fine until she’d told him she loved him. She’d tried to be brave, tried to grasp love and hold it, hoping he would be infused by her love for him and help her to create a happy home for the baby. She had been wrong. So very wrong.

With a sigh she got up and slipped out of her dress and headed for the shower. It might be just superficial, but she had to wash Nikos away—scrub him from her skin as well as her mind. She had a baby to think about now, and whatever else happened she was determined her baby would grow up and never for one moment question if it had been a mistake that had altered her life.

Refreshed from the water, and dressed in loose-fitting trousers and a top for travelling, she emerged from the bedroom. Daylight caressed the horizon and Nikos was standing outside by the edge of the pool. Her heart constricted as she looked at him. The rigid set of his shoulders warned her there wouldn’t be any last-minute admissions of need, let alone love. Nothing had changed. Nikos didn’t need anyone and he certainly didn’t want to love anyone.
