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Her arms slipped up around his neck, pulling him closer, deepening the kiss until she could hardly stand, her knees were so weak. Never had a kiss felt like this, so electrifying, so right.

With a force and suddenness that nearly knocked her backwards he released his hold on her and pushed his hands against her shoulders, forcing her back and away from him. She was so shocked she didn’t know what to say, even if her laboured breathing had allowed her to speak. After a few seconds he let go of her, stepping backwards, a wary look in his eyes and a furious rush of Italian sprang from his lips.

Her grasp on the language was slight and she had no idea what he’d said, but his body language left her in no doubt. He had not enjoyed or wanted that kiss. So why had he encouraged her? Was this some kind of game?

‘That shouldn’t have happened.’ She forced herself to stand as tall as possible, even though her knees were so weak they might crumple beneath her and a fire of heady need still raged inside her.

‘Damn right it shouldn’t have.’ He flung his hand up in agitation, turned and marched across the office to the doorway. ‘That can never happen between us, ever.’

Hurt scolded her but she kept her eyes firmly fixed on him, refusing to be intimidated. He didn’t want her kisses—so what? ‘I didn’t think...’ she stammered the words out ‘...I didn’t know what I was doing.’

His eyes narrowed but he remained at the far side of the office. ‘Apparently not. It’s time we left here.’

‘No—’ she panicked, her embarrassment at his obvious dislike of her evaporating ‘—I haven’t seen nearly enough.’

‘Enough for tonight.’ His voice was deep and hard, the complete opposite to the husky tones that had soothed her just moments before. ‘You will stay with me tonight.’

‘You?’ The question shot from her lips before she could think.

‘You are upset, acting irrationally. I cannot leave you in a hotel alone, not tonight.’

The firm words brooked no argument and if she was honest she had little fight left in her. The last twelve hours had been nothing short of shock after shock. From the moment he’d arrived in her garden she’d been on a roller coaster ride of emotions.

‘Just call me a taxi to take me to a hotel in the city.’ With bravado she was far from feeling, she walked towards him but he didn’t move aside for her to leave the office. Instead, he looked at her, his brown eyes cold and remote.

‘Seb was right.’ The firmness of his voice caught her attention and she looked up at him, her gaze locking with his.

Angered at the mention of her brother, she glared at him. ‘And what is that supposed to mean?’

A hint of a smile lingered at the edges of his mouth then he pressed them into a tight line of exasperation. ‘I know more about you than you might think, Charlotte Warrington.’

‘You’ve got a nerve,’ she said as her own expression mirrored his.

‘Sì.’ He shrugged casually and turned away from her, leaving her wide-eyed with shock.

If she was sensible she’d just walk out of here, get a taxi to the airport and go home. But right now she wasn’t sensible and she wanted this chance to get answers to questions that would otherwise niggle at her for the rest of her life.

The only problem was these answers were tied up with the man she blamed for Seb’s death, the very same man she’d just thrown herself at, kissing him with a passion she’d never known before.

‘I’m not going anywhere with you, especially after what just happened.’

He turned round so swiftly she almost walked straight into him, leaving her perilously close to him again. ‘Do I need to remind you, cara, you kissed me?’

Her cheeks burned as the sexy depth of his voice practically caressed her body, reigniting the heat that had flared between them earlier. ‘That,’ she hissed at him, ‘was a big mistake. One that won’t be happening again.’

‘Va bene!’ His gaze searched her face, resting briefly on her lips. ‘In that case, there is no danger in you staying at my apartment tonight.’

‘Danger? You make me sound like some sort of predatory female.’ She was becoming more and more infuriated by him. Maybe a hotel would be the best option, but as that thought settled in her mind she knew she didn’t want to be alone right now. Not after all she’d been through in the short space of time since he’d forged into her life, but her only choice of company was Alessandro Roselli.
