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Unaware of what he was doing, he walked towards her and wrapped the towel around her, pulling her close against his now dry skin, relishing the wetness of hers. His gaze met hers, her green eyes heavy with unguarded passion that made his heart thud.

She reached up and brushed her lips over his and he closed his eyes as an intensity pressed down on his heart. Would he ever get enough of her? He knew the answer to that as her arms reached around his back, locking them together. No, he never would. She deepened the kiss, sending heat and need rushing through him again.

‘We should take this inside,’ he ground out as she pulled back and looked up at him. Her smile told him she knew exactly what she did to him and fully intended to continue the teasing she’d started as soon as she’d woken this morning.

‘Yes,’ she whispered. ‘One last time.’

‘One last time.’ He repeated her words and kissed her, drinking her in, wanting more than one last time, but she hadn’t set the boundaries for their weekend—he had and now he couldn’t take this any further. He was already guilty enough of abusing the trust Seb had placed in him. As soon as they returned to Milan he had to put their relationship back where it belonged. On a professional level.

She pulled back from him and clutched the towel around her shoulders, although it didn’t hide her luscious body completely from his view. With a coquettish little smile she took his hand and led him back up the stone steps and into the bedroom.

The sun now poured into the room, its rays falling onto the bed he’d hastily left after he’d heard her splash into the pool. The cream covers strewn aside, evidence of the hot hours they’d spent there last night.

She dropped the towel as she walked towards him, the makeshift ponytail hanging over one breast sending a rivulet of water down her sexy body. He took in a deep breath, savouring every last detail about her. Her impatience was clear as she closed the distance between them.

Before he knew what had happened she was in his arms, her body pressed hard against his, the torment of her nakedness too much. With an urgency he’d never experienced he lifted her from the wooden floor, her legs wrapping around him, only his trunks between them.

He carried her towards the bed, the heat of her against his arousal almost too much. Gently he lowered her onto the bed, watching as she slithered up towards the pillows. He crawled up the bed after her, his heart pounding in his chest so hard she must hear it. He wanted her so very much and intended to make the most of these last moments as lovers.

With frantic moves he tugged his trunks down, kicking them away as his gaze held hers, then took one slender ankle in his grasp and pulled her slowly back towards him. Her eyes flew wide but her heavy breaths, which made her breasts rise and fall provocatively, drove him on.

He moved over her, wanting to be deep inside her, to make her his one last time. He should be taking it slow but he couldn’t hold back any longer.

‘Sandro, stop.’ She pushed against his chest, the urgency in her voice breaking the mind-numbing lust which robbed him of all coherent thought. ‘We need protection.’

‘Maledizione.’ He shook with the effort of regaining control and looked at her face. With her eyes so wide and so green, all he could do was lower his head and kiss her. ‘Forgive me.’

He didn’t recognise the hoarse voice that had said those words. Never had he lost control quite so spectacularly and somewhere deep inside he was thankful that at least one of them had retained some sense.

He reached across to the bedside table and grabbed the box of condoms, tipping the last one out. Her words of moments ago floated back to him. One last time. He pushed the thought roughly aside as he rolled the protection on.

‘Sorry,’ she said shyly. ‘But we don’t want any consequences from this weekend.’

He looked at her, realisation hitting him. There were already consequences from this weekend, though not in the form of pregnancy. The consequences for him were that he’d unwittingly given his heart away, fallen for a woman he shouldn’t even have had an affair with, let alone love.

‘You’re right, mia cara. There cannot be any consequences.’

She kissed him gently, her lips so light and teasing, sending him almost over the edge. ‘None at all.’ Her words whispered against his lips and he pushed all other thoughts from his mind until he couldn’t hold back any longer.

‘No,’ he ground out as she pulled him towards her, wrapping her legs about him, taking him deep inside her. For the last time he made her his, the passion all-consuming.
