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‘You’ve already made it perfectly clear that spending time with me isn’t what you want to do.’ He quirked a brow at her, unable to resist building on the flirtatious mood as it swirled around them, intensifying by the second.

‘It isn’t professional.’

‘I think we can dispense with such professionalism—just for this evening, don’t you? It is New Year’s Eve and due to circumstances beyond our control we will be here alone all night.’ She was setting very clear boundaries, something he would normally adhere to, but they only urged him on, pushing him to take up the challenge her body was unconsciously sending to his.

* * *

‘I can’t stay here. Not all night,’ Tilly gasped out, incredulity in every word as the reality of the situation hit her. ‘I have to be at Vanessa’s house tomorrow. It’s her engagement party on New Year’s Day.’

She knew she was rambling and blushing again and it infuriated her. She always did it when she was anxious or nervous. When she looked at Xavier the smile tilting his lips upwards served only to panic her further, as did the flutter of awareness growing inside her.

‘I’m very sorry, cara, but you won’t be going anywhere tonight. It’s just you and me.’ The sexy undercurrent in his voice was clear, but if he thought he was going to take advantage of the situation he was very much mistaken. She wasn’t going to fall into a heap at his feet, bowled over by his sexy accent and good looks. She would not be added to his list of conquests.

‘No,’ she said, not liking the way he made her so flustered as once again his fingers brushed over hers. ‘I have somewhere to stay.’

Staying here wasn’t going to be very professional—anything but, in fact. It was bad enough she had to give in to his insistence that she join him at the table for the New Year’s Eve dinner, but staying all night wouldn’t do her reputation any good at all.

‘Assuming, of course, you could actually leave here.’ He sounded far too self-assured and it crossed her mind that he might have engineered this.

As soon as the thought came she squashed it. She was fooling herself with such notions. A man like Xavier Moretti wouldn’t engineer time with her. She hadn’t seen anything of life, as Jason had boldly told her. She was just a naïve inexperienced twenty-three-year-old who was in danger of reading too much into Xavier’s flirtation.

‘No, I have to be at Vanessa’s party. I can’t let her down.’ Desperation sounded in her voice. Being at Vanessa’s party was a lot more than just attending a party. It was proving, to herself and her friend, that she’d moved on from last year.

‘Did you not just say the party was tomorrow?’

She frowned at him, unable to settle her nerves, unsure if she was more frightened of driving in such conditions or staying here alone with him. ‘Yes, tomorrow evening.’

‘Then call and explain. You can leave tomorrow if the weather permits. In the meantime, I suggest you bring in your luggage and I will show you to your room.’

‘My room?’ Everything was spiralling out of control and she didn’t like it one bit. She constantly strove to be in control as much as possible. Control was the mainstay of her life.

‘But of course. I was expecting guests and have rooms made up.’ He smiled at her, his dark eyes sparking with mischief. He was enjoying this, damn him.

Resigned to the fact she had little choice, she sighed her discontent and took her van keys from the table. ‘Very well, I’ll fetch my things.’

‘Bene. Don’t forget your party dress.’

She whirled round to face him. ‘What?’

‘Your party dress, the one you planned to wear at your friend’s party. You will need it tonight.’ Each word was so deep and sultry it was far too sexy and she couldn’t think straight. Why on earth was he talking about party dresses?


‘Because it’s New Year’s Eve and we will dine together in style.’


XAVIER TOOK TILLY’S small overnight bag from her, trying not to notice the ever-present sizzle whenever he got too close. ‘I’ll show you to your room.’

‘There must be a way I can get to the bed and breakfast.’ She looked at him, the determined jut of her chin showing just how much she didn’t want to be alone here with him. ‘I can’t just stay here.’
