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“That sounds hot.” Paulina smirks.

“Not to a virgin who thinks she’s kissing Prince Charming,” Jewels points out. I think she might be right, but I lie to myself anyways.

“I didn't think he was Prince Charming.” I roll my eyes. “It started off good and then it felt cheap.” I can’t hide my disappointment. I also don’t want to say too much because I don’t want them to feel as though I’m being judgmental toward them.

“He might have gotten lost in the moment. Forgot where you were or something. I mean, that dress is killer. Half the men in here are checking you out.”

“He really tried to cut the dress from you?” Paulina tries again, making Jewels laugh. Even I smile this time. “He must have been out of his mind from the little taste you gave him.” Servers come by to take our plates and replace them with dessert.

“That man is staring at you like you’re the only thing he wants to eat.” I drop my fork, suddenly realizing what Sov was talking about when he said he was trying to eat. The fact that he was talking about me had gone right over my head. My fork hits the plate with a loud thud, causing everyone to turn our way. I swear I want to bury my face in my hands.

“Oops,” Jewels says loudly like it was her. “I get excited over dessert.” She shrugs and takes a bite of the chocolate cake. I bump my shoulder into her as a silent thank you. She winks at me, letting me know she’ll always have my back.

“Well, if you want him off your plate for the night, I think Milly is about to go in for the kill.” I jerk my head up at Paulina’s words. A pang of jealousy hits me out of nowhere. I watch as she makes her away across the room and heads right toward him.

“I can’t watch this,” I mumble, standing. I don’t want to see Sov being charmed by Milly. There is no way he’ll be able to resist her. And I know for a fact that she’ll give him what he wants tonight. That thought makes me feel sick to my stomach.

“Mac.” Jewels grabs my hand to try to stop me. She stares at me for a moment, her mouth going tight. She nods and then lets me go. I make my escape across the room. I tell myself not to look back, but I do.

Sov is now standing with Milly in front of him. She has her hand on his chest. Why couldn’t I be fun and free? Have a wild night with a prince? When I exit the ballroom, I slow my steps, realizing I forgot my room key. Dang it.

I find myself taking the stairs all the way to the top floor. I must be a masochist wanting to see if he takes Milly back to his room tonight. I take a seat on the stairs. If he comes back to his room alone then maybe he had gotten lost in the moment.

That kiss had started out like a fairy tale. He kissed me with such passion. If he is always so bold then how come he’s never been caught before? When I dug into him, all it said was that years ago he partied a lot. There was never any talk of who he was dating.

When I hear the elevator ding, my heart starts to race. If Milly is with him then I know he was only after one thing tonight. The elevator doors start to open, and I step back toward the stairs, ready to make my escape. He had invited me up here.

Then I hear a soft feminine laugh, making my heart drop and my eyes burn with tears. I don’t wait to see who it is.

“Mackenzie!” I hear my name shouted, but I don’t stop as I rush down the stairs, darting onto a random floor to make my escape.

He’s no Prince Charming at all.

Chapter Nine


“Let her go. She needs time to cool down,” Alex advises, grabbing my arm. I shake her off, but by the time I get to the stairs, Mackenzie is gone. There are no footsteps echoing in the stairwell, only a scattering of gold dust from her dress. I lean down and pick up some of the jewels that had come free and tuck them in my pocket.

Zero leans over the railing to scan for signs of life.

“She’s small and wearing a dress. She’s on the floor beneath us or above us,” I suggest.

He straightens. “Could be two or three if she’s quick.”

“Let’s search.”

We aren’t as efficient as I hope because Zero won’t split up my bodyguards. He’s reluctant to leave my side, and I only get him to search the upper floors after swearing on my mother’s life I won’t abandon the security detail. I don’t find Mackenzie. There are a few other guests in the halls, and I question them, but they know nothing. The trail of golden gems started and stopped on the stairs.
