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Ashford would have taken one look at Nour—or heard of her—and tried to kidnap her. I wonder how many Vieth Orphans have been victims of his.

“Oh, that’s nice and also terrible. I’m not sorry Ashford’s gone. I wonder where he ran off to though. I guess overseas?”

“Yes, something like that.” I’m surprised it’s not well known that Ashford was burned in the basement of Aidon’s, but if Karin Vieth has kept this particular jewel shielded from the harsh realities of life, I will do so as well. That is until Mackenzie is all mine. “Probably Nice. Many bad people go to the beaches of Nice to live.”

“Is that where Mommy and Daddy are?” Nour chirps.

I lay a hand on the head of the little girl. “No, darling. Your grandmother will tell you more.”

Nour makes a face. “No, she won’t.”

“I’m sure all your questions will be answered once we arrive at your grandmama’s.”

“I bet you’re wrong.”

“I’ll buy you something of your choice if I am.”

Nour informs me I owe her an ice cream cone because when the duchess meets us at the door of her townhome with a battery of maids, no explanations are given. They sweep the little girl away without a word. Eleni hands me a heavy envelope, bows, issues a terse thanks, and slams the door in my face.

Zero’s face grows red. His fist comes up, and it’s hard to say whether he was going to knock or slam the door in.

“It’s fine, Zero. Now Mackenzie and I have time alone.” I tuck Mackenzie’s hand in my elbow. “Shall we see a show?”

Mackenzie doesn’t want to leave. “Nour didn’t look happy.” She takes a step toward the door as if she’s going to knock and ask the duchess for the child.

“It is not for us to interfere,” I say quietly, steering her toward the waiting car.


Once inside the confines of the armored vehicle, I take Mackenzie’s hands in mine. “Nour’s parents are spies. We lost contact with them about two months ago and so they are presumed to be dead. People are looking for them, but as of yet we have no leads.”

“Oh my God.” Mackenzie’s eyes are huge with shock.

“Yes. I don’t know what the duchess will tell her granddaughter, but that’s not a decision for us to make.”

“At least let’s take her out for ice cream. You owe it to her.”

I stare into Mackenzie’s pleading eyes and realize what a weapon they are. When she looks at me like this, there is little defense. “Of course.”

My agreement makes her smile. “Great,” she replies, but she doesn’t look enthused. “I should get back to work.”

“Do you really do accounting for Karin Vieth?” I hadn’t entirely believed her before.

“Yes. Why? Do I look too dumb to do accounting?”

“No. You look very sharp.” My eyes rove over the yellow silk blouse. The button just above her delicious, ripe tits is about to come loose. I lift a finger and flick it open. “Very nice.” I bend forward to place a kiss on the swell of her breasts.

“Sov,” she yelps and pushes my head away.

“Mmm?” I kiss her hand. “What is it?”

“There are other people in this car,” she hisses.

“Zero? He does not care.”

“I care. I care!” She huddles into the corner of the seat, clearly uncomfortable.

“Very well.” Sighing, I lean away. I give her gorgeous melons one last longing gaze before directing my attention to the front where Zero and the driver are actively ignoring me and Mackenzie. After time, she’ll get used to them, I tell myself.

There are many perks to being part of the Charmont family. As I introduce all of them to Mackenzie, she will think of Zero and others’ presence in my life as of no more importance than an extra pillow on the sofa. I pick up her hand and press the cold digits to my lips. “Everything will turn out perfectly, Mackenzie.”

Chapter Fourteen


“I have to go check in,” I tell him as my fingers dig into his buttoned-up shirt. I’ve already gotten a few texts.

“You don’t have to do anything,” he says before his mouth covers mine so I can’t respond. I can still taste myself on his lips. The man is addicted to putting his mouth on me. Something I’m more than willing to be an enabler to. I’m starting to think he’s trying to make me need him.

“I do,” I breathe against his mouth when he lets me come up for air.

I get the feeling that his own people want to have a word with him as well. I’m not so sure Sov’s staff are fans of mine. In fact, I’m pretty sure they have no idea what to do with me or how to handle me. It makes me believe Sov when he says there has never been a woman in his life before. All of this seems new to the people that work for him and protect him.
