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“I’ve heard you are spending time with one of my girls.”


“Nothing more to add?”

“I’m certain the data that you receive inside the walls of the Palace is as accurate as if you had witnessed each transaction and participated in every conversation.”

The older woman smiles. “You would be correct. Mackenzie is a nice girl, though. Different than the rest of my girls. She might not be used to the things that you prefer.”

“You make me sound like a deviant, Karin.” I slide a box across the coffee table. “But please accept this gift as a small token of my gratitude for your hospitality.”

I knew I would have to pay Karin for Mackenzie. No one can take a Vieth without leaving something of value in return, and since I don’t care to give up a person or a pound of my own flesh, a handful of priceless diamonds will have to suffice.

Karin trades her teacup for the box. The diamonds cast glittering reflections on her face. “Very nice.”

“No amount of gems can equal the value of a person, but I would hope that this small token would ease the sting of losing one of your subjects.”

“You plan to take her then? Is she aware of this?”

What an odd question. As if Mackenzie would want to remain here and not come with me. I search Karin’s face for further clues. Is she saying this to stir up doubt or does she know something I do not?

“Your territory is not the only welcome place,” I answer.

Karin shrugs and gets to her feet. “It is not me you have to convince. The tea and desserts were lovely. As for this”—she raises the box of diamonds—“I’ll put it away for safe keeping. Come and get it when things don’t work out with Mackenzie. Minus a small fee, you may have the entirety of it in return.”

It’s a wonder that Karin Vieth is still alive. There must be so many who would love to have stuck a knife through her cold heart.

After she leaves, I summon a guard to take me to Zero, who is at a warehouse not far from the Palace. He snaps to attention when I arrive.

“Is she here?”

“Yes. She arrived at 0900 hours and has not left.”

I check the time. It’s past lunch. “Has she eaten?”

“No, sir.”

“Send someone for lunch. An assortment.”

“Yes, sir.”

I knock on the door and then enter without waiting for a response. Mackenzie whirls around.

“God, you scared me.” She clasps a hand to her heart. She quickly closes the windows on her monitor and smiles up at me.

“It’s past lunch, and Zero said you have not eaten.”

“Oh. I didn’t realize. Sometimes I get caught up in my work.”

“What is it that you do?” She talks about this work a lot as if it is important to her.

“I manage part of the books. Not all of it because Karin doesn’t like one person in charge of all of the money, but I do some portion, and there are a couple of others like me who handle different branches of the Vieth business. I wouldn’t be able to do it all by myself anyway.”

“Interesting.” I wonder what job I can create at home for Mackenzie as this work seems important to her. “I’ve come to talk to you about leaving.”

“Oh?” She says it lightly as she turns away toward her large monitor. “So soon? I suppose the party is over, and you delivered the little girl to her grandmother, so you don’t have any reason to be here anymore.”

“You’re correct. There’s no reason to be here.” Zero walks in with the food. I take it from him and lay out the banquet on the desk. There’s fried chicken, pasta, pad Thai, and soup, but Mackenzie doesn’t make any moves to serve herself. Perhaps she needs to be waited on.

I prepare a plate for her and lay it in front of her. “I would like to leave in three days. That should give you enough time to pass your duties on to someone else, yes?”

“What are you talking about? I can’t leave here. This is my home.”

“If you are concerned with what Karin may say, I have worked it all out with her.”

“You told Karin I was leaving?” Mackenzie sounds shocked and alarmed. This conversation is not going as I thought it would, which befuddles me.

“Did you desire to be left behind? That would not be acceptable.” I reach out to cup her chin and bring her face around so that she and I can look each other in the face. I do not like talking to her profile. “I have had you, Mackenzie. You are mine now, and where I go, you must go as well.”

She twists out of my grip. “We had sex. That’s all. I am sure you have slept with all kinds of women all over the world.”
