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“Unnh!” she cries out. “Oh god!”

Thrusting a couple more times, suddenly climax overtakes me as well. I jerk, pulse and then roar, hot fluid pumping into the sweet girl as stars explode before my eyes. Every cell in my body is alive as I clasp the beautiful woman close, groaning as she milks me for every drop.

But as we return to Earth, panting and sated, reality rears its head. What have I just done? Did I really just make love to my son’s girlfriend? I should be embarrassed and ashamed, but as Dakota smiles at me shyly, suddenly my doubts evaporate. This is what I want, and I’m not going to stop now that she’s here.



* * *

I stretch languorously, feeling like a lazy cat. Every muscle in my body is sore, not to mention between my legs. My eyes open a bit and I sigh again, luxuriating in the thousand-count sheets. Then I roll over and see a huge, dark man lying beside me. He’s muscular and bronzed, his black hair in disarray as he sleeps peacefully.

“Crap,” I whisper to myself. “Jack.”

Every touch and kiss from the night before floods my mind. I slept with my boyfriend’s dad! Well, Eddie is my ex-boyfriend now, but that’s not the point. The point is that I don’t just sleep with anyone, and especially not my ex’s father.

I should get out of here, but Jack is still sleeping and I can’t seem to tear my eyes away from him. His black hair is a stark contrast against the white of his pillowcase. He isn’t wearing a shirt, and the blanket is pulled down low on his waist. The sunlight coming in through the blinds highlights his golden brown skin, and the sculpted contours of his chest.

My eyes run down the length of his body, growing warm as I remember how amazing he made me feel last night. Sure, I’ve had sex before but never like that. Every nerve in my body was shuddering with pleasure and my throat feels a bit raspy, probably from screaming so much. My eyes land at his waistline, and there’s a bulge there. Suddenly, it occurs to me that Jack is naked beneath the thin cotton, and my fingers tingle as I reach out, unbidden, to touch him. It’s like a forbidden fruit that I can’t resist.

But then tires screech in front of the house, breaking me from my trance. In a moment, I’m peeping out the window and sure enough, Eddie’s gaudy blue Camaro is pulling into the driveway.

“Crap,” I whisper to myself.

Thank goodness my car’s hidden around the back. But what do I do? I have to get out of here asap because imagine Eddie’s shock when he walks in, and sees me entangled with his dad.

That’s what you were trying to do, the voice in my head says wryly. You wanted revenge, right?

But that doesn’t make sense right now, and I know I have to get out of here stat. Where are my clothes? I look around the master suite frantically, trying to find my bra and panties, but I have no idea where Jack tossed them when he took them off me. Rushing to his dresser, I do my best to be quiet while I rifle through his drawers, searching for something I can wear to make my escape.

Fortunately, there’s a white t-shirt and a pair of shorts at the top, and I pull them on as quietly as I can. Then, like a mouse, I open the bedroom door and slip out. I’ve been to the mansion before, so I creep down the hallway towards the back. There should be another staircase that takes me down to the kitchen at the back of the house, and from there, I can make my escape.

When I step into the kitchen, I hear the sound of the front door opening, and my heart contracts. Sure enough, there’s a clink that’s probably Eddie dropping his keys on the entryway table, and adrenaline pumps through my form. Without looking back, I race out the back door, and then make a dash for my car, thankful that I parked it in this secluded area.

Panicked, I back my vehicle out of the driveway and pull out onto the street, only to take off at sixty miles an hour. God, what have I done? I sure as hell hope Eddie doesn’t find my panties because that would be difficult to explain. Then again, how do I even explain last night to myself? Jack Straithmore was a thousand times better than I expected, and somehow, I don’t even care about his son anymore. All I want is the father, as wrong as that may be.

When I get home, I dash up to my room, and fortunately, my mom is nowhere to be seen. What do I do? Do I act normal? Do I call Jack? Should I shoot him an email? What we did was so bad, but then again, how do we address it? I flop back on the mattress, my heart racing. I’ll wait for him to call me, I resolve. Then we’ll see what happens.
