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Tears spring into my eyes, and I bring my hands up to cover my mouth to stop myself from sobbing with joy.

“Oh Jack,” I sigh.

My man grins and reaches for my arms, gently pulling my hands away from my face. Then he meets my gaze.

“Dakota, I have loved you from the first time I kissed you, when you showed up on my doorstep over two years ago. I knew I was the luckiest bastard in the world when you gave yourself to me that night, and since then, you have given me more than I ever hoped for with your love, your kindness, and the birth of our daughter. I want to spend the rest of my life showing you how much I love you. Marry me.”

Dropping to my knees, I throw my arms around him and kiss him with everything I have. I can feel him smiling against my lips.

“Is that a yes?” he asks.

“Yes. So much yes!”

He laughs, and then pulls back and takes my left hand in his, before sliding the ring on my finger. “I don’t want to wait,” he growls. “How fast do you think we can plan our wedding?”

“Hopefully, we can get it done in the next couple months,” I say, moving my hands to my lower belly in the way I used to when I was pregnant with Dani. “Because I have a surprise for you too. If we wait any longer, I’ll definitely be waddling down the aisle and we don’t want that, do we?”

Jack’s eyes go wide, looking at my belly, as realization dawns on his face. “We’re having another baby?” he whispers.

I smile and nod. “Yes, Daddy, we are. Dani is getting a new brother or sister, and she’ll be excited!”

He whoops and pulls me into his lap before showering me with kisses. “God, I love you. And we can do it tomorrow if you want to.”

“Do what?” I ask, one eyebrow arched.

“Get married. Just say the word, honey, and I’m ready to go to City Hall.”

I laugh and kiss him again. “I love you so much, but it’s okay. I want to look beautiful in a white wedding gown, and for Dani to be a flower girl. We can wait a few months.”

The handsome man merely looks into my eyes.

“But you’re mine, no matter when it happens.”

I merely smile blissfully and cup his face.

“Yes, I’m yours, Jack Straithmore. Me, and the two children we’ve made together.” With that, our lips meet and my heart melts with love. What were the chances of this happening? Soon, I’ll be Mrs. Straithmore, but not Mrs. Eddie Straithmore. No, I’ll be Mrs. Jack Straithmore, and never was a girl more happy with that name.

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