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I feel a sense of pride in that. I might be a magicless human but my sprite is kick-ass.

Ruby lets out a war cry and zips through the air toward the other sprite. When Eclipsa’s sprite sees the light golden orb of magic in Ruby’s palm, she screeches and darts back into the night.

A part of me feels bad about Eclipsa, but I just can’t deal with any of this right now. Nor can I overlook how Eclipsa knew the truth and kept it from me. They both did.

At the thought of the prince, I suck in my lower lip. I’ve been turning snippets of conversation over in my mind for hours, piecing everything together. He’s known we were mates, maybe since the beginning. But he didn’t want me to know.

And he tried keeping me from the ceremony tonight because he didn’t want anyone else to know, either.

A thought occurs. What if his father is angry? The same father who had him whipped for showing any emotion. Could he be in danger?

A new round of nausea surges into my belly, and I groan.

“What did he say?” I whisper, hating myself for asking.

Mack lifts her eyebrows. “Sure you want to know?”

I nod, and she shoves her phone into my hands. I don’t have a phone and neither does the prince, so the prince has been texting Mack’s phone using Asher’s.

I glance at the screen. I’m a bit surprised to see Asher’s name at the top of the chat, already put in from another time. I’ll have to ask Mack about that later.

Asher: The prince wants me to tell you to tell Summer that he’s sorry, and to please meet him outside your dorm.

I grin. There are wards in the dorm that keep the Evermore out.

Me: Tell the prince she said not in a million years.

Asher: He told me to tell her stop being stubborn. And . . . another thing.

Little conversation dots flash at the bottom as he types, taking his sweet time.

Asher: You looked hot tonight in that tiny black dress.

I clap a hand over my mouth. Then I roll my eyes, my thumbs flying over the letters.

Me: Tell him she said screw yourself. Also. Thank you, Dragon Boy. I did look hot. Really freaking hot.

Sweet baby Jesus, Mack’s going to murder me.

Mack leans over trying to read the text. “What’s he saying?”

I pull the phone away and grin just as another text dings.

Asher: Damn right you did. You had better save a dance tomorrow for this dragon boy. Oh, and she can tell him herself. He found a way up, the maniac. Careful, he’s in a mood. e no idea what the colors mean—if anything at all. I’m pinned to the spot as I watch the sparkly creatures bob and dance over everyone’s heads. The first two matching pairs choose their students quickly.

No surprise, two Autumn Court mates are selected by the orange butterflies, and two Spring Court mates are picked by the purple ones.

So the colors do mean something.

A hand touches my shoulder. I look up to see Eclipsa frowning down at me. “Come with me,” she growls, ignoring the looks she gets from the crowd.

My chest clenches. I didn’t think Eclipsa would try to hide the truth from me too. I glance once more over at the prince, who won’t even look at me. His hands are splayed in front of him. I’ve never seen him so tense.

I slip from my seat, relieved that I don’t have to witness the act. This is a good thing, I tell myself as I follow after Eclipsa, rushing to keep up. The lie almost sticks.

When we get to the door, the attendant takes one look at Eclipsa’s expression and moves. She opens the door so hard it smashes into the wall. I take a step—
