Page 52 of In to Her

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But that doesn’t mean we can’t be ready for that.

I have a sick feeling that Damon is starting to get very nervous about this job. A sick, sick feeling that he’s on his way here right now to check up on us. Which means the second they clear this highway, we need to go.

So I trudge back to the bar, make my way around the side of the building and head into the shop to get that tractor started.

Because I’m gonna plow the fuck out of this parking lot.

Chapter Twenty-Three – YVETTE

The shower feels good. Even though I’ve taken three showers in the past twenty-four hours, this one feels better because I linger. I enjoy it more. Yesterday I was preparing for death and today… well, I still don’t much care about that. But I have a new mission now.

Keep these men from learning my secrets.

I feel confident too. Even though Logan is still the wild card. AJ is on board. Whether he believed the lies I told downstairs or not, I get the feeling he’s done with Damon. Whatever it is he did for the organization, that part of his life is over.

It’s Logan who still needs convincing.

And the thing about him is… he’s all about self-preservation. If he can find a way to save his own ass, he will do it.

That’s the hard part here.

Damon sent them, which means Damon was expecting a progress report yesterday. We are on borrowed time right now. The blizzard was a stroke of luck or maybe a twist of fate, but it’ll be over soon. That’s all people were talking about yesterday on the news. Snow through Monday afternoon.

And it’s almost lunchtime now.

I get a sick feeling in my stomach at the thought of Damon walking through the door of my bar. I have a sudden urge to go lock it. Get one of the shotguns, load it up, and sit at a table in front of the door with a box of shells next to me.

Shoot that asshole the second he walks through.

Because he’s coming. One way or another, he’s coming for me. I can feel it in my soul.

“Hey,” Logan says.

I spin around, still jumpy from my thoughts of Damon, and see Logan poking his head through the doorway to the bathroom.

“Hey,” I say. “You coming in for a shower?” I ask. Even though I want to be alone. I don’t want to make him any more suspicious of me than he already is.

“No, I’m good. Just… checking to make sure you are.”

“I am,” I say. Smiling. “I’m fine.”

He stares at me for a second, then nods. “OK.” And disappears.

Yeah. He knows. He’s probably got some fancy bullshit detector up in that head of his by now. Dealing with all those shady people in Damon’s organization.

“OK, get your shit together,” I mumble. “Time to put on your game face.”

I rinse off the rest of the soap on my body, turn the water off, and wrap myself up in a towel.

When I walk into the bedroom Logan is sitting on a chair in the corner, looking pretty casual. One ankle propped up on one knee. He’s wearing the t-shirt I gave him yesterday. Black. Says ‘Metallica’ in faded letters across the chest. Bare feet. Bare arms peeking through the too-tight sleeves of the shirt. He’s more muscular than he looks standing next to AJ, who is definitely a gym rat and it shows. So when you compare the two of them side by side Logan comes off as lean.

But he’s not. Not really. He’s muscular too, he just carries it different.

This is a good look for him, I decide.

“What are you doing?” I ask.

“Waiting for you,” he says.

“Do you need something?” I ask, walking over to my closet and going inside.

What to wear? I thought my last outfit was pretty good. But turns out, wasn’t my last outfit. So now I need to come up with something equally pretty.

“Yeah,” Logan says. “The truth.”

I look over my shoulder. I can see him from here. Or, rather, he can see me. Actually has a straight-on view.

So I drop my towel and step away from it.

“Well,” I say, trying to be casual as I turn back to browse my rack of clothes. “Which part do you think I’m lying about? How about we start there?”

I have a few cool dresses I could wear but it’s cold and I don’t feel like wearing tights. So I choose my second favorite pair of jeans. This time a light wash instead of the dark ones I wore yesterday. Which implies a more casual day ahead.

That remains to be seen.

I also choose a camo-print ribbed top with a lace-up front that shows some cleavage and has sleeves that end in a bell of black lace.

Tough girl with a side of sweet.
