Page 7 of In to Her

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I wonder what’ll happen to this bar when she’s gone?

“Dude.” AJ laughs as we continue to kiss.


“Come back here, man. Just… stop fucking thinking.”

I wonder how he’d act if I was his hit instead of the other way around?

Nah. That’s so stupid.

AJ is loyal to a fault. He’d kill Damon before he ever killed me. That’s why he has to go. Well, that and the half a million dollars that went missing six months ago.

But he’s a true friend, as they say.

“Stand up now, darlin’,” AJ says, pulling Yvette up from her knees by her hair.

She’s breathing hard, her face is a mess of streaked black mascara, and she’s looking all over the room. Anywhere but at AJ or me.

Oh, yeah. She knows. She realizes her mistake.

Been on the run for a very long time. She made it pretty far too. Took Damon years to finally catch up with her. She was good. Careful. Probably suspicious of everyone for good long time.

And yet… tonight… she just falls for AJ.

Why, Yvette?

I’m so curious about that.

Why now? Why him? Why us? Why are you standing here in front of me, half naked, your own spit dripping down your chest because you took my cock deeper than you ever took a cock before?


I’m gonna ask her, I decide. Get the reason before we off her. I just need to know. Because even though AJ has always been a charmer, he’s not any better than me. He’s not better looking than me, he’s not nicer than me, that’s for sure.

So he’s loyal?

That’s not the reason. She doesn’t know he’s the kind of guy who’d mow down a whole crowd of people if it was the only way to save a friend’s life.

So why, Yvette? Why did you take his hand and dance with him?

You should know better.

Why did you let him do this to you when you’ve been so very, very careful in the past?

I bet she’s wondering the very same thing right about now.

AJ looks at me. “Let’s give you something else to think about, OK?”

I smile at him. Because even though AJ hasn’t been a good friend to Damon, he has been a good friend to me, and thinking about how he’s not gonna be around after tonight is a little bit sad.

He turns Yvette slowly. She’s wobbly and it’s clear she’s not OK. “Are you drunk?” I ask her.

But instead of answering, she leans up on her tiptoes and kisses AJ on the mouth.

He grins through it, kissing her back, his hands wandering down to her ass. And when they break apart he says, “Bend over,” in that growly, seductive voice he likes to use during sex. “Logan wants you to show him your pussy.”

Yvette shoots me a look over her shoulder, grins crookedly and licks her lips.

She is drunk. Totally drunk. How did I miss that earlier?

But she follows directions. Kinda like she’s on autopilot. And there’s no chance I don’t glance down and look at her pussy lips peeking out from the bottom of her ass. It’s sexy. Both the way she bends over and the way the waistband of her tight jeans cuts into her thighs as she tries to spread her legs.

I raise my eyebrows. Because while not all girls have a pretty pussy, this one does.

I reach down with my fingers and slide them back and forth across her wet folds.

This makes her moan.

AJ is leaning against a table, fisting her hair as he slowly lowers her mouth down over his cock. “Try a little harder now, OK?” he says, holding her face against his stomach, practically suffocating her.

She struggles, trying to pull back. But I begin playing with her clit to take her mind off the war waging in her throat.

AJ reaches some predetermined threshold and lifts her up off his cock. She comes up gasping for breath. Inhaling deeply.

He likes this part. I remember that much. He likes it when he’s got them a little bit scared. Ready to say, No more. He wants to hear that, actually. He likes it when they protest.

And then he’ll stop, like he is now. And wait. Like he’s patient, when he’s not. It’s all just part of his plan.

“Done?” he asks her.

Which is my cue, I realize. And I almost miss it. My cue to shove my cock in her pussy so she’ll want more. So she’ll say yes.

He wants to hear a no but the win is when he gets a yes instead.

“Should we stop?” he asks her.

I fully expect her to say yes. Because everything she’s doing right now—everything she’s allowing us to do—this isn’t her. Maybe the her she used to be, but definitely not the her I’ve seen over the past two weeks, that’s for sure.

“Is she drunk?” I ask him.

“Yvette,” AJ says, shaking her head a little by her hair. “Give us an answer.”
