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She burrowed deep into the denim coat. “Well, we both are certain you won’t leave me unsatisfied in bed.”

Memories of making love snapped between them, along with the fact that they couldn’t be together that way again as long as Lauren shared a room with them.

He squeezed her hand. “I like your bluntness.”

“Thank God somebody does.”

“Your ex didn’t?” He wanted to find the bastard, tie him to a tree and leave him there to be afraid for a good long time. Some things were worse than punches.

“I don’t want to talk about him. Even thinking about him makes me ill.”

She looked pale in the moonlight.

“Fair enough.” This whole ordeal with the stalker had to be wearing on her. “We should probably wrap this up and take Lauren home anyway.”

Nola rubbed her thumb over his knuckles in a teasing caress. “You don’t care for how the lieutenants are checking out your daughter.”

She had that right.

He tried to make light. “I refuse to acknowledge it’s even happening.”

At least she would be back at her mother’s tomorrow, which would take a huge burden of worry off his shoulders.

Nola jabbed her fork into the cheese and chili congealed on top of the leftover fries. “Have you considered letting Lauren live with you at the start of second semester? Once things have settled out here and you’ve got a place of your own?”

“I’m not equipped to be her father full-time,” he answered with his standard response.

“You keep saying that, but what if you don’t have a choice?” Nola set aside her fork. “You are her father and she needs you. Maybe you could settle close to her mother in…?”

“New Hampshire.”

“If you lived there, it would be easier with her mother close by.” She leaned on an elbow, closer to him, peering into his eyes. “Hey wait, you big fraud.”

“What do you mean?” He tipped back his chair, away from her too perceptive gaze.

“You do so want her to live with you. You’re just scared to death.”

Scared? He didn’t like the sound of that. Or the niggling sense that she might be right.

“You’re scared of failing.”

“Wow, it took you this long to figure that one out.” The woman was too observant for her own good. Being around her would be work on his part. He wouldn’t get away with jack. “You must be a flipping rocket scientist.”

“No need to be an ass just because I’m right.”

“I apologize.” As well he should, but damn, couldn’t she cut him some slack?

“Apology accepted. I know it hurts when someone hits a nerve. Rick, you’ve been given a second chance, not to live the life you had before, but to start a whole new one. Make it count.”

She was right. So right it cut deep. He needed time to let her words shuffle around in his mind until he could come up with a plan. He wouldn’t make promises to Lauren until he was certain he could keep them.

“Let’s table this discussion for now.” He scraped back his chair. “It’s late, and Lauren’s flight leaves early.”

“Just let me say goodbye to the happy couple and I’ll join you at the car.”

He did a walk-around of the car, checking the undercarriage and beneath the hood for a bomb. Deciding all looked clear, he joined Nola waiting by her door. “We’re set.”>About ten seconds later Mako fidgeted. “Damn, you’re good with that psychological ops crap.”

“No PSYOPS about it. I may not be much on land, but I’m betting on even odds if I knock you into the water.”
