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Leander still drove pretty well, and he sped towards Mary’s house. He did not know why but he felt certain that is where she would be-or at least he hoped so because if she wasn’t he was not sure where he would find her.

Mary heard the limousine screech to a halt on the curb outside, and remembered with dismay that she had not locked the front door. Leander burst through the door before she could take two strides towards it.

There was a determination at the edges of his mouth which disarmed her, a look which said he would not be denied. He would have his say. She folded her hands, and waited as he strode fearlessly into the, ironically, still dark living room.

“I have come to take you with me Mary” he said, rather commanded, into the dark void between them.

“Why?” she shot back petulantly, “What makes you think I would want to go anywhere with a liar like you?” She shot back, petulance personified, “Who are you? Is Vitaliy your real name? Where is your son?”

“My real name is Leander; I know you have a lot of questions.”

“You come into my life, and you disappear like an illusion, and you know where next I see you next on TV! You have not answered my question: Why should I come with you?”

“Because I love you!” Leander screamed desperately as he approached her,” I love you and I want to be with you.”

“There something I need-“She began, but Leander cut her off, his mouth closing over hers in a desperate and passionate kiss. Mary felt herself melting in his arms despite everything, but she quickly pulled away.

“Vitaliy, Leander, whatever you call yourself, I’m pregnant”


“What do you mean wow?!” Mary asked irritated and confused.

“I mean wow; I am going to be a father!” Leander exulted “or are you trying to say something? You have someone else special?”

Mary shook her head shyly, still not entirely sure why she should trust him. This feeling of doubt only lasted for the next few seconds. They soon gave way to sheer disbelief as Leander, playboy extraordinaire, went down on his knees.

“Mary Joanne, will you make an honest man out of a rogue like me? Will you marry me?”

Mary was speechless. Common sense told her he could not possibly be serious, but theirs had not been a common liaison, from beginning till now.

“Yes,” she whispered, nodding her head, tears streaming down her eyes. She had never been surer of anything else in her life. “Yes, I will marry you!”

Leander, still on his knees, apologized, “I do not have a ring sorry, but I am not willing to let you out of my sight again. I promise to buy you the best engagement ring on Earth, the moment we leave here.”

Mary raised him up, and hugged him deeply, “where are we going?” she asked, her face buried in his chest.

“To Russia, to meet my family” Leander answered, realizing that he was perhaps taking home the greatest treasure he had yet found during his time away.

