Page 9 of Beg Me

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Reagan walked slowly to the bathroom holding the dress in her hand, taking in deep breaths to calm herself. She slipped into the small white sheer garment and then grabbed the sink with both hands, looking at herself in the mirror. She thought about the small cameras that were in her bedroom and turned around slowly, trying not to be obvious as she inspected the bathroom ceiling and walls. She saw two more cameras flanking the shower. She turned to look at herself again and grabbed her brush, slowly smoothing out her long blond hair. "You can do this, Reagan. You can do this." The words rushed through her thoughts as she brushed her hair calmly.

Walking around without panties felt strange. Every step she took brought a breath of air up under her dress. A few moments later, Reagan padded down the hallway, walked downstairs and entered the library as she was told to do so earlier. Her eyes instantly fell on her brother. Sitting in a leather chair across from a large couch where Lucas sat exchanging light conversation like it was just another fucking day. Her eyes glanced at the bodyguard who stood a few feet from the chair and then her eyes were back on Aiden.

A surge of rage threatened to swallow her as she stood there and then all eyes were on her. "Reagan. I hope you slept well?" Aiden asked with a smirk on his face.

She stood there with her arms at either side and clenched her hands into fists trying to sooth herself. She could feel her nails digging into her flesh as she plastered a smile on her face and said, "Very good."

Her eyes went to Lucas who was sitting across from her brother. "Baby doll. Come here."

Reagan slowly walked toward Lucas, never taking her eyes off of her brother. She stopped and stood beside Lucas' chair not faltering. She felt his hand slid up the back of her thigh under her dress, slowly kneading her ass cheek.

"Do you have any questions for your brother, Reagan?" He cocked an eyebrow waiting for a response and then looked at Aiden.

Reagan stole a breath before speaking, not taking her eyes off her brother. "Did you ever love me?" She whispered, watching his chin tick and then his eyes changed to something dark.

"At one point, yes. But then..." He paused trying to find the right words. "you became a commodity, something I could use as a pawn." She felt Lucas entwine his hand with hers and then give her a light squeeze as if to give her strength.

Reagan released Lucas' grip and took a step towards her brother. Through gritted teeth, she growled, "How could you? I loved you like a fucking brother you sick fuck! I was loyal!" She looked into her brother's green eyes and she saw nothing. No compassion, no guilt or even an ounce of empathy.

He held up a hand to silence her. "Enough Reagan. Spare me the drivel. I don't fucking owe you anything!" He yelled. "When I learned my father had left the family business to both of us, I was fucking furious. How dare he?! His business belonged to me, his son! Not some little fucking whore. You’ve been nothing but a burden and a fucking headache." Aiden looked around the room and his eyes locked with hers again. "This is merely payback, you little bitch!"

Reagan felt the tears roll down her cheeks as his words tore through her. A moment later she tucked the pain aside like she always had and let out a laugh she couldn't contain anymore. When she finally got a grip, Reagan wiped her cheeks dry and smiled. She looked over her shoulder at Lucas and asked. “Did he sign the contract, baby?”

A wicked grin

appeared on Lucas’ face and he nodded, “Oh, yes. He’s all yours baby doll.”

Chapter 8

Reagan turned to her brother when the words spilled from his mouth. “What the fuck?” He asked in exasperation. The perplexed look on his face made Reagan smile.

“Hmm. Who’s the little bitch now, Aiden? You fucking dumbass! Doesn’t feel too good does it?” She asked, standing there with each hand resting on her hips and an eyebrow cocked.

She watched as Aiden looked from her to Lucas in confusion. “Lucas, what is this? What’s happening?”

"You underestimated her, Aiden. There were so many ways that you could have handled this but, unfortunately, you chose the wrong one. It's really not my concern." He returned his attention to Reagan, dismissing Aiden all together.

Reagan sat next to Lucas on the couch that sat across from her brother and curled up beside him. She ran a hand through her long hair and brought her gaze back up to the piece of shit across from her.

“You may be eleven years older than me Aiden, but you just got hustled by your nineteen-year-old sister.” She smirked and grabbed the contract on the end table next to her. She held it up in the air. “This contract that you just signed gives me full control of Lynch Land Developments. It also passes all equity, stocks and family estates, including this beautiful vacation cabin.” She said looking around and then her eyes landed back on her brother. Reagan held his stare, feeling completely numb inside. What love and respect she had for him amounted to nothing now. He betrayed her in the most malicious way possible and she would make sure he had nothing. Not a fucking penny. She knew this would hurt him the most. He thrived on power, status, and money. Flaunting himself as someone of importance. Now that he was penniless...not even a place to call home, she knew this would break him. She studied his face. His mouth twisted, his eyes stormy and dark as he processed what she just said.

Aiden tried to stand up in an outrage and Frankie slammed him into his seat. Reagan watched as he squeezed his hands into balled fists and gritted his teeth. “No!” He grunted as though in pain. “You can’t do this to me!” He yelled. “Why would you do this? This was everything my grandfather and father built and worked so hard at. You don’t deserve any of this!”

Reagan laughed. “Why? Are you fucking serious!” She closed her eyes as if to calm her annoyance and then opened them. “Aiden, this would have never happened to you. You see, it was a test and you failed miserably. This is your doing, not mine!” She seethed with rage as she spat out her words.

His features were suddenly marred with confusion again. “A test?”

Reagan sucked in a breath. “Yes, a fucking test! When it was brought to my attention months after the car accident that everything...the estates, Dad’s empire and all assets were to be given to BOTH of us, I didn’t believe it.” She paused. “I was so confused because my loving brother had explained that everything had been left to only him. The true heir of his father’s empire and that he would still take good care of his stepsister as long as I was a good little girl. And I believed you!” She ran another hand through her hair. “Fuck, I should have listened to my mother!”

“Your mother was a fucking gold digger!” Aiden yelled in frustration.

In one fluid motion, Reagan jumped off the couch and took two strides toward her brother, slapping him across the face, leaving a streak of red across his cheek. “Don’t you fucking dare talk about my mother!” She growled and started pacing the floor.

“When I was shown the proof of the doctored will, all I wanted to do was confront you with the truth.” She whipped around and kneeled down before him. Her eyes narrowed as she looked into his green eyes. “Oh brother, I knew you were a greedy son of a bitch but I would have never, never thought you would stoop this low. You see, when I found out there was no way to rectify the doctoring of the will, Lucas came up with a brilliant plan.” She stood and walked back to the couch giving Lucas a kiss on the mouth and then sat next to him.

“When Lucas explained that he knew you still wouldn’t give me half of what they bought you out for, he offered me as part of the contract to convince me once and for all how low you would go. Of course, I laughed it off. He was fucking nuts to think you would do such a thing. I told him right then and there it wouldn’t work because even though my brother was greedy, he wasn’t a sick son of a bitch that would sell his sister in a business deal and get an extra million to take her virginity!” She paused for a breath. “Fuck was I wrong!”

“Honey, calm down.” Lucas stroked her hair.
