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The Raines Law Room was located in Chelsea, fairly close to my apartment. I had a feeling Kline had had that fact in mind when he’d given in to Will’s demands, always trying to make things easy and convenient for me. I’d heard all kinds of cool things about the speakeasy bar, but it was my first time making an appearance.

Hesitantly, I rang the doorbell outside of the discreetly marked door.

“I feel like we’re going into a top secret sex club,” Cass whispered even though no one was around us. “Shit, now my hopes are up. I’m going to be so disappointed if we’re at the right place.”

I gaped at her. “Of all the places your mind could go, you’re sticking with sex club?”

She shrugged. “I’ve never been to one.”

“I’m pretty sure most people have never been to one.”

“Guess we need to add it to our bucket list, Georgie.”

“No,” I responded through a quiet laugh. “That’s not going on my bucket list.”

“Speak for yourself.”

The door was opened and an attractive guy dressed in a vest and tie answered.

I gave him Kline’s name and, just like that, access granted.

In an instant, we were surrounded by silky music, velvety curtains, plush sofas, and dimmed lights. I felt like I had been transported back into the 1920s. Any second a girl in a flapper dress with a glass of gin was going to stroll past me.

Will had already spotted us, walking toward the entrance.

“Well, hello, Cassie Phillips,” he greeted, a devilish grin on his face. He picked her up in a bear hug. The second her feet were off the ground, she squealed.

“Just so we’re clear, I’m hating both of you right now,” I teased, feigning annoyance.

He set Cass down and pulled me in for a tight squeeze. “Aw, don’t get mad, Gigi. You know I love you the most.”

“Why aren’t you with Kline?” I asked, scanning the room.

“I had to make a pit stop in the bathroom. He’s at the bar with one of his buddies.”


Will nodded. “Have you met Thatch?”

I shook my head, more than ready to meet the notorious Thatch. I’d heard enough stories to understand he was an infamous jokester and a ton of fun to hang out with, but Kline and I had yet to get around to hanging out with him.

“Well, follow me, ladies.” Will gestured toward the bar. “Your boyfriend’s been wondering where you were. I told him you guys probably stopped for shots and dancing at Barcelona before heading this way.”

“That sounds like nothing we would do,” Cass disagreed, hiding her smile.

“Uh-huh,” Will said, grinning. “I’m sure you didn’t get Harry Potter shots and request the house band to play Britney Spears either.”

I shook my head, biting my cheek. “Nope. Definitely didn’t do that.”

We totally did.

It had taken a round of beers for the band to play Cass’s request, “I’m A Slave 4 U,” but they’d done it, and we’d danced like fools. It was an ongoing inside joke when we went out together. If we were going to request songs, it had to be a cheesy pop song. We loved seeing the reactions of the patrons in the establishment when our ridiculous request started to play—annoyed, groaning, cursing our names—but like clockwork, by the end of the song, everyone would be singing and dancing along with us.

“Yeah, no way we did that,” Cass agreed, laughing quietly.

As we walked toward the bar, I caught Kline’s reflection in the giant mirror accented by liquor bottles. My gaze moved to the attractive guy sitting beside him and déjà vu hit me full force, damn near knocking me to the ground.

Holy shit.

I stopped dead in my tracks, holding on to Cass’s arm in a viselike grip.

“What the hell?” She turned toward me, confused.

My hands shook as I realized why I knew the guy next to Kline.

It was Ruck.

Oh, no.

Ruck was here and he was sitting beside Kline, chatting like they were the best of friends.

Oh. Fuck.

I pulled Cassie away from the bar.

Will turned toward us, hands pushed out in a what the fuck? gesture.

“I forgot I need to go to the bathroom!” I called over my shoulder, damn near dragging Cassie across the floor.

“Holy hell, what is going on?” she questioned as I pushed through the crowd.

I didn’t answer her until we were safely tucked inside the ladies’ restroom.

“Oh my God, Cass!” I groaned, my voice echoing in the dimly lit room.

“I’m so confused,” she muttered. “What is going on?”

“I know that guy next to Kline.”

“Because he’s Kline’s friend Thatch, right?”
