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Leaning forward, I put my tongue right to her bare clit.

“Goddamn. I will never be the same,” I told her pussy honestly. Now that I knew she really would go out without anything under a little skirt like this, I’d be constantly out of my mind wondering when she’d do it again.

Settling one leg over my shoulder, I licked and sucked her pussy until her knees started to shake. With two hands at her hips, I lifted her other foot off the ground and urged her to settle the other leg over my shoulder too.

“Holy shit,” she breathed. “I am literally sitting on your face right now.”

Right where I want you. I nodded and flicked the tip of my tongue against her clit.

Pulling back just enough to speak, I rubbed at the juncture of her thighs. “Close your eyes, baby.”

She took a minute, staring down at me between her legs, but eventually, something she saw made her comply.

A scream left her lips as I climbed to my feet with her sitting reverse cowgirl on my shoulders.

“Oh, holy fuck!”

“Keep your eyes closed,” I soothed.

Five careful strides brought me to the alcove on the edge, a little cutout of the main exterior wall of the building that had a platform three feet down.

I set her down carefully, kissing each eyelid when she gasped at the feel of cool concrete on her bare ass.

“Trust me, honey. I’m gonna make this so good.”

“Less talk and more action, then!” she chastised. I laughed and climbed over the edge, behind her, and onto the small platform.

“Thatch,” she said nervously as my lips touched her shoulder from behind.

“It’s okay, baby.”

With an arm around her back and another under her legs, I lifted her off the concrete to protect her skin and spun her to face the city.

I hit my knees again and spread her legs one at a time, a foot on each of the surrounding ledges, until she was wide open and ready for me.

Her eyes squeezed shut tighter. I kissed the inside of both of her thighs. “I’ll take care of you,” I promised. “You just keep your eyes closed until right before you come. I’ll do the rest.”

Breathing her in, I put my mouth back to her pussy and worked. Around the rim, I teased her with the tip of my tongue before moving up to suck on her clit and filling her with two fingers. She gasped at the intrusion and reached for the concrete at her hips.

I groaned as her excitement coated my lips and spilled to the back of my tongue.

Goddamn, she tastes good.

“Oh…My…God,” she breathed as I pushed her higher and higher, chasing her orgasm hard and fast, and nearly coming in my pants from the fucking excitement of her pussy’s eagerness to please.

“I’m gonna…I’m gonna,” she called, and I pulled my mouth away just long enough to remind her to open her eyes.

She gasped loudly, the sight of the city before her mingling her fear and pleasure together into one heady mix of perfection, and her nipples pebbled through the thin fabric of her tank top.

Definitely no bra. She did it on purpose now just to drive me crazy; I knew she did.

I stayed there and drank all of her in, careful not to waste a drop or miss one moment of her face. When it all became too much, her eyes shut again and her head fell back in the most perfect display of everything I’d ever wanted.

She shook as I pulled her into my arms and tucked her face into my neck.

“How’d I do, honey?”

Her arms tightened around me reflexively.

“You did a good job,” she told me. “Of showing my pussy to the top fifty floors of the Empire State Building.”

I laughed and pressed my lips to hers.

“Trust me, baby. They enjoyed the view.”

I cradled my cell phone between the crook of my neck and shoulder in order to grab a mint out of my bag. These Wintergreen Lifesavers were like crack.

“Will you have time to stop by the apartment and feed Phil before your meeting this afternoon?” I asked as I walked down 28th Street, weaving in and out of lunchtime pedestrian traffic. “I’d do it, but I’m supposed to meet Georgie and Will for lunch, and then I have to stop by ESPN’s offices to drop off some files.”

“Yeah, that’s not a problem,” Thatch responded in my ear, and the sound of papers shuffling filled the receiver.

“Boy, you’re awfully accommodating today,” I teased. “Does it have anything to do with this morning?”

“I’ll do pretty much anything you ask if you wake me up like that every morning.”

I grinned. “Sometimes I forget how happy blow jobs make you.”

“First of all, rule number sixty, don’t ever forget that. And secondly, your blow jobs make me happy,” he clarified.

“You don’t want blow jobs from anyone else?” I tested. I knew the answer he better fucking say.

“No,” he responded quickly. “Once you’ve experienced a Dyson, no other brands come close to cleaning the carpets anymore.”

I grinned. “What about my tits?”

“Those too.”

“My pussy?”

“You’re just fishing for compliments now, but I’ll play along,” he said with an amused tone. “Yes, luscious Cassie, your pussy gets my dick hard.”

“What about my ass?”

“Are you extending an offer? Because I’ll drop everything I’m doing right now to sign on the dotted line that leads to claiming your ass.”

Good try, Thatcher, but it’s not going to happen. A lady has to keep one get out of jail free card in the tank.

I laughed and remembered the other reason for the phone call. “Stop distracting me. I actually called you for a reason.”

“What else can I do for you, honey?”

“Well, I have a bit of surprise,” I announced as I crossed 5th Avenue. “Are you getting excited?”

“No,” he responded in a flat tone. Two long drags of a cab horn punctuated the sentiment.

“Well, that’s really fucking ungrateful of you.”

He showed no signs of remorse. “The last time you got me a surprise, I ended up with a pig and the city of New York thinking I have chronic anxiety.”

I laughed. “But you love Phil!”

“Yeah, now, I do,” he answered. “He’s grown on me. But initially, no. I wasn’t thrilled with the idea of a barnyard animal sleeping in the corner of my bedroom.”

“Well, this is even more exciting than Phil,” I announced. My voice was ecstatic over the idea of getting a rise out of him again. It was literally one of my favorite things. And after his little “fear of heights” test last week, I was really itching to one-up him again. Although, it should be noted, that test had gifted me with the most powerful orgasm of my entire life.

But those were just minor details, right?

“Get ready, Thatcher, because guess what? You’re going to be a Big Brother!”


“A Big Brother!” I repeated.

“What are you talking about?”

“I signed you up to be a Big Brother for the Boys and Girls Club of Manhattan.”

The line went silent before he finally asked, “Why on earth would you do that?”

“Because I felt like it was the next big step in our relationship,” I explained as a devilish grin kissed my lips. “It will prepare us both for kids someday.”

“How does me being a Big Brother prepare you for kids?”

This fucker. He kept my bullshit game on its toes.

And I kind of loved it.

And him.

“You can teach me everything you know. One of us has to be the expert on children, and I just felt like this was more your realm than mine,” I explained. “There are just a few confidentiality papers and other legal mumbo jumbo that you have to sign, but otherwise, you’re all set. You’ll get to meet your little brother next week!” I exclaimed, but stopped abruptly in the middle of the sidewalk when I came across a booth with the word GuyFi displayed on the side.

My eyes scanned the fine print below the logo. Masturbation Booth for men that comes equipped with a chair, a privacy curtain, and a laptop.

“What in the ever-loving fuck is this shit?”

A twenty-something woman dressed in Doc Martens and a baby-doll dress stopped beside me and stared at the booth with a disgusted look on her face. “Gross, huh?”

“What shit?” Thatch questioned, but his call wasn’t my number-one priority anymore. I needed my own answers, and I needed them now.

“How long has this been here?” I asked her.

“I think about a month.” She shook her head. “I swear, girlfriend, New York just keeps getting weirder, and men are pigs,” she added before resuming her stroll down the sidewalk.

I agreed with her one hundred percent. My blood started to boil, and my anger rose by the second as I continued to glare at the vile display.

“Cassie,” Thatch voiced louder in my ear. “What shit?”

“This shit!” I shouted and pointed to the booth in an erratic gesture, even though he couldn’t see me. “This fucking jerk-off booth in the middle of the sidewalk!” I stomped my boot-clad heel against the concrete.

“And it figures it’s just for men! What if I’m a horny broad who needs to rub one out?”

For fuck’s sake, I was a horny broad.

“Can I not go into this stupid little booth and work things out?”
