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than a little afraid—bad for her heart. But how could she not give him this after seeing the vulnerability in his eyes?

How could she not take him inside of herself when that one glimpse had let her see just how lost he felt? How desperately he wanted, needed, to connect with someone?

She would be that someone.

Not because of her job, not because of her ambitions or the label or any of the reasons why she’d come here. But because of Wyatt. Because of the way he touched her, the way he held her, the way—three times now—he was so determined to give her pleasure when the other guys she’d known had always only been out for themselves.

She wanted to make him feel good so badly, to get him outside of his head for a little while and show him that he was worth it. That after the hell he’d been through he deserved all the pleasure he could take. All the pleasure she could give him.

And so she sucked him deeper still, and as she did, she scratched her nails over the flat¸ muscled plane of his abdomen. Down his perfectly defined V-cut. Along the light happy trail that led from his navel to his groin. He was beautiful, so fucking beautiful, his skin pale, his hair soft and silky, his muscles long and lean.

For a moment, just a moment, she thought about how he’d gotten this lean, this toned, this hard. Thought of the drugs and the horrors of withdrawal and the hours he must have spent exercising just to keep from going out of his mind. It didn’t turn her off, didn’t make her feel sorry for him, though it did make her feel for him. As did the still fading track marks she could see ghosting along the veins that ran on the outside of his hips.

She wanted to touch them, to lick her way along them in an effort to soothe away all the hurt and ugliness they represented. But something deep inside warned her it would ruin everything if she did, and so she settled on letting him slip out of her mouth so she could press hot, open-mouthed kisses on first one hip and then the other. And if her heart broke just a little at all the pain he had suffered, well then, nobody had to know that but her.

Wyatt groaned, his hands fisting in her hair as she pushed his T-shirt up and out of the way so that she could see, touch, taste more of him.

She skimmed her way across his stomach, kissing every inch of exposed skin she could get her lips on. But then the shirt fell down, covering him up again, and she made a sound of frustration deep in her throat. She hadn’t been able to see him in that alley the other night. She wasn’t about to let that happen here.

He must have recognized the source of her frustration—or maybe he just wanted the shirt gone as much as she did. Either way, it took only a second for Wyatt to rip the offending garment over his head and drop it on the ground next to her torn panties. As he did, the muscles of his chest and stomach flexed and bunched, and it was all she could do to keep her tongue in her mouth.

Because, dear God, the man was sporting the first ten pack she had ever seen up close and personal. Hell, it was the only ten pack she’d ever seen, period. She knew drummers were ripped, knew they used their core more than pretty much any other musicians out there, but still. Wyatt had been toned when he’d gone to rehab. Now…now he looked like a god.

The marketing expert in her couldn’t wait to see what Tumblr had to say about this new development, while the rest of her just wanted to get her hands—and mouth—on him.

So she did, petting his chest and stomach even as she licked her way up the center of his torso as far as she could reach while on her knees. He groaned a little, his hand cupping the back of her head to hold her to him as she kissed and licked and sucked her way back down his stomach and abdomen to his cock. She paused right below his navel, sucked a small, round bruise into the skin to the left of his happy trail. Then she licked her way over and around it a few times, relishing the way his muscles jumped and flexed under her tongue.

He smelled so good, tasted so good—like lemon and sandalwood and dark, hot sex. She wanted to roll around in his scent, to pull it over her like a blanket. To wrap it, and him, around herself for long, lust-filled nights.

But they didn’t have nights, didn’t have anything but this one, sun-drenched afternoon, and she was determined to take advantage of it—and the freedom she had to touch him, to taste him, to take him. To let him take her.

And so she kissed and licked and sucked her way back down his abdomen as a late summer breeze whistled through the trees above them. When she got to his cock, she paused, her mouth hovering inches above his tip. He was big, long, and thick, and heavily aroused, and she was pretty sure if she pressed his dick against his abdomen the head would stretch past his belly button.

He was an arousing sight, no doubt about that, but she wasn’t sure she could take all of him—in her mouth or her body. So instead of swallowing him down as she longed to do, she chose instead to kiss just the very tip before pulling the head into her mouth and licking around and around it, her tongue flat and firm against the sensitive crown.

He shivered, his back arching a little in a desperate bid for more. He looked hot, so hot, his eyes hyper focused and electric blue as he put a little pressure on her head in an attempt to urge her closer. To get her to take more of him—and to give him more of herself in return.

Because she couldn’t resist the way he asked—any more than she could resist the way he looked at her—she gave in, widening her circles until she was licking halfway down his shaft. As she did, she made sure to pay attention to the sensitive area at the bottom of the tip, spiking her tongue and flicking against the spot.

“Fuck, Poppy.” Wyatt’s fingers tightened in her hair, holding her in place as he thrust his hips forward, forced his cock deeper into her mouth. “Baby, please…it’s been so long… I need…I need—” His voice, already low and gravelly and so, so sexy, broke on a groan as he pulled her into him at the same time he slammed his hips forward.

The movement caught her by surprise, but he felt so good and she was so turned on that it only made her hotter. Stretching her jaw wide, she took him deep. Took him all the way to the back of her throat and still that wasn’t enough. Still there was more of him.

She’d never done this before, never opened herself up to a guy like this. Never let him use her mouth—use her—the way she was letting Wyatt. But then she hadn’t understood how powerful her surrender made her, hadn’t understood that in yielding to him she got at least as much as she gave. Maybe more.

Because even as tears sprang to her eyes, even as she struggled to breathe, she realized this summer afternoon fuck wasn’t just about him. About what he needed. It was about her too. Because the more he took, the more she wanted to give him.

Considering the job she was here to do, it was a terrifying thought. Terrifying, and so, so arousing.

Her nipples peaked.

Her breath came faster and faster.

Her sex throbbed.

“Fuck, baby,” Wyatt groaned, his hands tugging her back this time instead of pulling her forward. “That’s so good. That’s so—”

She moaned and the vibrations had him breaking off, had his hips thrusting forward fast and hard. Suddenly she was taking all of him, his cock in her throat. Her nose buried against his skin.
