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I shatter, my body breaking into a million, beautiful pieces as feelings unlike anything I’ve ever imagined rip through me. “Ash!” I cry his name, my fingers clawing at his shoulder as he licks me through it, taking me higher, higher, higher, straight into the stars that shine so brightly above our heads.

And then it’s done and I’m falling back to earth, piece by jagged piece. And Ash is still there, putting them—putting me—back together again.

Chapter 15


God. She’s trembling, shaking, her whole body limp against mine and all I really want to do is hold her. Well, that and strip her naked and plunge inside of her. But since that second choice isn’t actually an option tonight, I settle for tugging Tansy’s leggings back into place and then folding her into my arms.

Lately it’s been that when the deed is done, I just walk away—it’s easier on both of us that way. But with Tansy, I can’t bring myself to do it. I want to take care of her nearly as much as I want to fuck her.

It’s a problem, I know it is—the old Ash would have been all over that, but I’m not that guy anymore. I don’t have time for anything but Logan right now—I owe it to him. And to my parents.

And still, knowing that, believing it with everything I am, I can’t bring myself to turn away from Tansy. I just want to keep her here, against me, for as long as she’ll let me.

She buries her face in my chest, and I can feel the cold of her nose even through my hoodie. “You okay?” I ask. “You want to go back inside?”

She tilts her head, turns wide, pleasure-dazed eyes to me. “But I haven’t—”

Her voice trails off and I try to figure out what she means. I know she came—I felt her fall apart against my mouth. But then she’s reaching for me, her fingers stroking along my dick, and I figure out what she’s getting at.

She’s come, but I haven’t.

I’m not going to lie. Her hands feel good on me, really good, even through the thick fabric of my jeans. For a second, I can’t help myself. I press my hips forward, slide through her hands a couple of times. Fuck, she feels amazing and as she starts to fumble nervously with my zipper, there’s a part of me that wants to let her finish what she’s started.

But again, she’s swaying on her feet—whether from the orgasm or the alcohol, I’m not sure—and I don’t want to take this somewhere she wouldn’t normally let it go. She’s not the snowbunny type, no matter what she’s wearing—or what she said in my kitchen last week.

Which is why, though it costs me, I shift backward, gently pull her hands from my zipper and hold them against my chest instead. “We should probably go back in,” I tell her. “Logan might wake up and need something.”

It’s the truth, but it’s also an excuse. I’m trying to be noble here, but I’m not sure I’ll be able to turn her down a second time, especially if she’s touching my cock.

“Oh, right.” She bites her lip, looks a little confused. But doesn’t say anything else, or try to touch my dick again. Which is a good thing—or at least, that’s what I tell myself. I only have so much control.

“Come on.” I rub a hand down her back. “I’ll walk you to your room.”

“You don’t have to do that.”

“It’s not like it’s a big deal. We’re on the same floor.”

“Oh. Right.” She sounds a little disappointed by that fact, which is strange considering I did just have my tongue inside her. I don’t know what’s wrong, why she went so tense when just moments ago she’d been warm and pliant in my arms. But as we walk awkwardly toward the elevator, I find myself missing the girl I just went down on. The one who sighed and gasped and called my name in a voice so sexy my dick is still hard from it.

We ride the elevator in silence after I try a couple of different gambits only to get shot down. In fact, Tansy doesn’t talk again until we get to her room and then it’s only to say a very stilted, “Thank you” as she swipes her key card and opens her door.

“For what?” I ask, more than a little mystified at this whole turn of events. How she can go from crying out my name to practically ignoring my existence—all in under ten minutes—I don’t know.

“For, you know …” Her voice trails off and she makes a weird gesture with her hand that I have no hope of understanding.

“For …?” I raise an eyebrow questioningly.

She turns bright red. “For, you know.”

I shake my head, still clueless.

“For the orgasm!” she whispers fiercely, glaring at me like it’s my fault for not knowing what she was going to say. But how could I? I’ve been with a lot of girls and none of them has actually thanked me for that before.

Still, it’s kind of charming that she does. And totally endearing, especially with how pink she is. “You’re welcome?” I answer, because really, what else am I supposed to say?

It must be the right answer, because she nods right before she dives into her room and slams the door in my face.
