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“Good,” Blue nodded her head, equally enrapt.

“Mr. Romero…I mean, Zack is awesome. He gives all of us experience with every facet of the business. I’ve never seen anyone like him before. He’s like mega rich but he's so down-to-earth. Well there’s a lot of rich, self-made businessmen who sort of stay in touch with reality these days. He’s one of them. You’ll love him.”

Oh, I already do.

“Miss Monroe, good of you to come.” The silky, deep voice that interrupted their conversation caused a tingling reaction to course through Blue's blood.

Blue’s mouth fell open for the first time today.

The man approached her was not really the businessman she expected. He appeared to be something else.

Her breath paused.

Zack Romero.

He was more stunning than she remembered. His dark, shiny, thick hair was brushed off his face with a few tendrils loose at the front. He had a sexy groomed stubble framing his luscious lips that caused her belly to flip flop. The man had the most beautiful face she’d ever seen. Could a man be considered beautiful? This man could. His dark, sexually-charged eyes, complemented by his long, dark lashes, gleamed with awesomeness.

He was taller than Blue remembered, seeing him up close now. He was inches from her. His hands were in his pockets. He wore a crisp dark, Italian cut suit. It was an expensive designer inspired suit. She guessed, maybe Armani, or maybe it was tailored only for him. It had to be. Look at that broad, muscular frame. He looked like a pro athlete filled out in the suit. She could see the firmness of his sculpted build under his suit. His arms must be ripped with muscles she could certainly tell by the way he filled out in the expensive fabric. His posture was erect as a drill sergeant. Confident and powerful.

No way in hell could she work under this man and keep herself under control. Maybe she should turn around and leave. He was already causing her brain to freeze up. Too much of that hormone rushing through her frontal lobe.

Breathe, Blue.

Take a deep breath. He’s just a man. Really.

No. He’s a sex god and you know it.

Never had Blue reacted that way over a man. He literally stole her breath away. She forgot who she was or why she was there. She’d almost forgotten that Venus was there, until Venus cleared her throat.

Close your mouth, Blue. Stop drooling.

He’s a Romero. Romero men can do that to a woman.

Yes, she’d heard of the Romero men having that type of magical, sexually potent effect on the feminine gender. It was no wonder they were always in the tabloid for naughty behavior despite their remarkable accomplishments in various industries.

“Th-th-thank you,” Blue managed. Okay, why was she acting like such a love-struck idiot? Snap back to reality, girl. It’s a job. Only a job.

“Would you care to follow me outside?” he commanded more than questioned. His sexy gaze held hers and she felt giddy all of a sudden.


Zack escorted her outside of the building. Blue was actually quite grateful. She needed fresh air to level her head. The sweet-smelling fragrance of the vineyard and surrounding land was perfect for her senses. Maybe it would clear the way for her sanity to come back.

She held tightly to her recorder and her notebook, hugging it to her chest. Blue licked her lips, out of nervousness. For heaven’s sake, she was a grown woman. A professional. A business owner. A highly educated journalist. She really needed to get herself together. But how could this man’s aura and presence cause this sort of reaction inside her?

“I was about to fire you, Miss Monroe.”

Blue halted. Zack, who was walking beside her, had a smooth grin on his face as he followed suit and paused. “Something the matter?” he asked casually, looking more amused than anything.

“You were about to fire me? W-why?” Blue could not control the flutter inside her belly. Her heart was beating erratically.

“Because I didn’t think it would be a good idea for us to work together. I didn’t think we’d have the right…working chemistry.”

“And what changed your mind?” Blue asked, as they both continued to walk through the vineyard pathway.

“I overheard your conversation with Venus, one of our finest workers. I was impressed as to your interest in her knowing she was working at reception, before you found out she was working on her masters and working in the vineyard.”
