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“Okay,” she said, trying to summon her inner confidence.

Moments later, a member of his staff set the table up in his office for some experimental taste testing. The gentleman covered the oak table in a white satin cloth then laid out a few glasses and two bottles of wine.

“Now, remember, Miss Monroe. Wine tasting is not wine drinking. You are only whetting your palate,” Zack said, standing at the wine tasting table with Blue at his side, looking on.

He uncorked the first bottle on the table then poured her a glass of red wine. “This is the result of one hundred percent estate-grown grapes from our own vineyard.”

Blue had heard a lot about family owned and operated vineyards and the intimacy they often provided but this was…different.

Splendid. Blue was giddy all of a sudden. She didn’t know why. A private tasting with Zack Romero? This was not how she had envisioned this day to be. It was thankfully better.

From the first day she had arrived, the air around the estate was filled with the fresh fragrance of juicy grapes and flowers and the breathtaking scenery almost stole her breath away. Blue would volunteer here, never mind work here, just to soak in the delightful views every day. How nice to be able to live on the property.

“Got it,” she said, trying to hide her trembling. What was she afraid of? Heck, she’d never done this before. What was he expecting her to say…or do? What was she to look for…to taste for?

“In wine circles, tasting is the sensory evaluation of this magnificent elixir. This practice is as ancient as wine making itself.” She loved to hear the sound of Zack’s smooth, delicious deep voice. It wasn’t just what he said, but the way he said it.

“That’s intriguing to know,” she said, jotting down some notes on her pad. Blue placed the notepad and pen down on the table and took the wine glass from Zack. She was ever aware of his eyes on her the entire time. That didn’t really do much to help her nervousness.

“There are four stages to wine tasting, Miss Monroe,” he said in a low voice, his gaze capturing her own.

“The appearance.”

“Yes,” she said, noting the beautiful, sparkling red liquid in her glass.

“Then there is the aroma of the wine,” he said, as he stood close to her with a glass of his own in his hand. He lifted the glass near enough to her nostrils so she could catch the sweet scent.

“Next is my favorite phase. The taste. The sensation in my mouth,” he explained in a low voice. “Some tasters spit it out when done. But I’m a man who enjoys swallowing.” A sly grin etched his face. “I like the flavor to slide down my throat,” he said, dark passion burning in his eyes, his voice smooth, deep and slippery like raw silk.

Blue’s body grew weak and flimsy. Her inner thighs throbbed out of control now. I want you.

No. Get a hold of yourself, girl, she scolded herself inwardly. Why were her thoughts traveling down the direction of naughty lane? She had thoughts of him sensuously tasting her between her thighs and squeezed her eyes shut momentarily and drew in a deep breath.

Stop thinking, Blue. Don’t even go there. You’re working!

There was just something so seductive and connecting about sweet wine and smooth sex. Like you could ever have a chance with Zack.

Zack’s scent was arousing and delicious. Blue had to steer her thoughts away from him.

She sipped from the glass at his insistence and oh, the taste was delicious, sweet, silky, fascinating. “Oh,” she moaned in her throat.

“Smooth, isn’t it?” Zack said with a satisfactory boyish grin.

“Hmm,” she voiced again. That was all she could say.

Zack’s gaze followed Blue’s luscious lips. Heat surged through his body at her mesmerized gaze. A delicious fire blazed in the darkness of his eyes. The woman looked stunning. His crotch jumped, to his chagrin, at her sexual response to tasting his sweet wine. Oh, the things he could do to her to make her scream out, never mind, moan with delight. He could bet that she would taste of sweet wine.

Control, Zack.

Abstinence. You’re not quite done yet. You still have another day to go. It was a crazy few weeks without the silky touch of a beautiful woman, like Blue, in his arms. He’d thought he would have gone crazy out of his mind.
