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Around the white table-clothed table, guests of honor seated were Jules, Alonso, Carl, Toni, Troy, Shelly, Antonio and Lucy, Lucas and Maxine, who was about to deliver. All dressed to impress in their black tie affair suits. Blue wore a shimmering gown that accentuated her curves. A floor-length flowing ball gown. Zack looked dressed to kill in his tailored tux. The man oozed sexual power, no matter what he had on. Over three thousand affluent guests filled the hall.

Blue noticed Carl glancing over at Venus, the vineyard’s receptionist, once every so often. Toni noticed it too, she thought. It was obvious Carl had some feelings for Venus. Blue felt giddy inside for Venus. If anyone deserved love, it was Venus.

She was happy with Zack and she wanted everyone to find someone.

Later, after an exquisite dinner and meal, the ballroom was open for an after-ceremony dance. Blue went into the restroom to powder her face. She could not wait until tonight to have Zack all to herself again. He’d been all worked up about this show because he wanted to announce his new program to honor hard-working, upcoming winery entrepreneurs, too. It would all fall under the umbrella of his company.

Venus was on her cell phone and looked distraught.

“Are you okay?” Blue asked, trying not to pry.

“Oh, I’m fine, thanks,” she said, ending her call. “It’s never easy when you’re all by yourself and doing it all, you know. Sometimes, I wish I had a…partner.”

“You’ve been crying,” Blue assessed, her voice comforting.

“Oh, no. I’m just…I have to leave. Tristan is having trouble with the new babysitter. Finding a good caregiver is hard.”

“I know. You’ve always said you wished you were able to afford private daycare. Hopefully, things will work out for you. I hope you do meet the right-”

“Oh, no. Let’s not even talk about that,” Venus dismissed. “I…I could never get married or settle down. I wish I could but-”

“Never? Why? Are you still…married to Tristan’s father?”

“Oh, no. I’m not married. Never was. I’m just saying, oh, Blue. You and Zack look so happy together. Just be glad you are both free to love each other.”

“What do you mean by that, Venus? Aren’t you free to…be with anyone?”

“No. Blue, I can’t really talk about my…past but…I’m just thankful to have a job. But unlike you, my life is…well, I could never get close to any man. I mean, I could but…well, between you and me, it’s better that I don’t. Anyway, congratulations on the beautiful film and I’m so happy for you and Zack. He's a good guy.”

“Thank you,” Blue said, softly.

Blue was still puzzled by Venus’s anxious behavior and her earlier statement. Venus was such a kind woman, hardworking, single-parent who seemed to love her son so much. And Venus came to Blue's rescue one too many times while Blue was trying to figure her way around getting the right information for the vineyard in the documentary. She couldn’t have done it without Venus’s dedication and hard work. They’d even shared countless lunches together and became friends. Yet, Venus was always secretive about her background and her home life.

What could have possibly happened in Venus’s past that would make her feel she could never be loved?

