Page 21 of Hot Single Daddy

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Marcus and I share a look.

“I’ll tell you everything, but don’t you have a shift at the diner to get to?” I ask hesitantly.

My friend winks at me.

“I do, and you’re right because it’s time I got going. But don’t think you’re off the hook! Afterwards, you’re going to tell me everything! Okay, not everything because I don’t want to know about the sex stuff, but everything but that.” But then Faith turns around while heading out the door, her gaze curious. “By the way, girlfriend, was that you who was making those sounds in the master suite last week? I thought Dad was in there having his own brand of fun, but were you there with him all along?”

OMG, I guess Marcus and I weren’t as quiet as we thought.

“Yes, that was me,” I acknowledge with a silly grin. “I’m sorry if we woke you up!”

Faith merely lets out a peal of laughter and throws her arms up in the air.

“No, you guys go ahead and enjoy yourselves! If anything, this just means that I should get a place of my own, so that you guys can have some privacy. Okay, I’ve gotta roll now because they’re going to kill me if I’m late again, but toodle-oo! We’ll talk soon!” she says while blowing kisses my way.

Then, Faith is gone, and the house is silent after the front door closes.

“Oh my god, did that really happen?” I whisper, staring at my lover with wide eyes. “Did she just give us her blessing?”

Marcus grins, flashing even white teeth.

“She did,” he remarks. “And I have to say, I’m relieved because it was a wild ride. Faith thought I was a gay man hooking up with pretty young boys during my flights abroad. Can you believe that?”

That makes me sputter.

“But why?”

He shrugs, still grinning.

“I guess it was the fact that I’ve never brought anyone around the house. So she thought maybe I had a boyfriend, and was ashamed to introduce him to her because of my sexual orientation. And then, these toys,” he says, tipping his chin at the bag. “I guess Faith associates butt plugs with men, but you like them, don’t you, Bella?”

I blush, because I’ve learned to adore anal in part due to the thorough stretching routine Marcus puts me through using our hot pink plug. But I shake my head because everything’s happened so fast and I’m still trying to wrap my head around it.

“But what you said before,” I say in a trembling voice. “You love me? Really?”

He nods and wraps those strong arms around my form, resting his chin on my head.

“Yes, I love you,” he acknowledges in a growl. “You and always you, Bella Samuels.”

With that, I begin to cry from a mix of joy, relief, and happiness.

“Good, because I love you too, and oh! Marcus, I’m having your baby.”

This time, it’s his turn to pull back with shocked eyes.

“You are?”

I nod, tears streaming down my cheeks.

“Yes, you’re going to be a daddy again. Is that something you might want? I know this is a shock but we didn’t always use protection and–”

Marcus merely picks me up off my feet and swings me around in a circle before setting me down.

“Sweetheart,” he breathes, his own eyes looking glassy. “This is the best gift you could give me, short of saying “I love you.” I’ve wanted to be a father again for so long, but I never thought I’d get the chance. But now, with you, Bella, anything is possible. Thank you, sweetheart. I’m so humbled.”

With that, we embrace, and I lay my cheek against his broad chest, his heart beating beneath my ear. A sigh escapes my lips, and I feel like I’m home at last because maybe our love is unexpected, but this is where I belong. With this man, in his home, and with his baby in my belly. I used to be his daughter’s best friend, and the truth is I still am. But even better, I’m Marcus Randall’s lover and love all rolled into one.



* * *

Six months later.

It’s been six amazing months since I told Marcus about the baby, and so much has changed since then.

Marcus kisses my cheek. “Take a deep breath, babe. It’s going to be a great night.”

I laugh. “Sorry, I’m just nervous. It’s the first time my parents and Faith will be here for dinner since I moved in, and I want them to see our home and approve of it.”

“I know. But try to be more excited than nervous. Besides, they’re going to love what you did with the place. You have an eye for design, sweetheart, and it shows.”

It’s true because after the big reveal with Faith, we immediately began the process of Faith moving out and me moving in. My friend was excited to finally get her own place, and when we told her we were expecting, she crowed with delight.
