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“It’s okay,” Maxine prompted him. “He’s a close friend. You can say whatever you have to say in front of Lucas.”

“Very well. Your mother has been more confused and agitated lately and we’re quite concerned for her safety. We can try some sedative medication as I explained to you before.”

Lucas shifted uncomfortably on the spot before speaking. “Is there any reason she can’t have twenty-four hour supervision?” he asked in a voice of authority, yet calm.

“Well, that would be quite costly. Maxine would have to foot the bill out of her own pocket since we don’t provide that sort of care at this facility.”

“It’s not a problem. I’ll take care of all costs. Do you have a nursing agency that you use who could send an RN right away?” Lucas probed.

“Lucas!” Maxine was gob smacked. “I…We…I can’t ask you to do that. It would cost a fortune.”

“Please leave that to me, Maxine.” Lucas held up his hand to silence her.

Maxine was taken aback at first. Who did he think he was? Just because he had…money?

While Lucas spoke to the doctor regarding making arrangements and instructing him about his billing information, Maxine re-folded her arms tightly across her chest before shifting her composure. She considered her options. What else could she do? The only other choice was to have her mother committed to a mental ward with more staffing or a psychiatric hospital, when all her mother probably needed right now was more close continuous care around the clock, something only a private duty nurse could provide.

“Thank you,” Maxine said softly to Lucas while she turned the key to her apartment for the first time since her break-in. It had been two hours later after they’d left the facility. Lucas and Maxine had visited her mother in the special room prior to the private duty nurse arriving from the agency. But he told her he wanted to take her up to her apartment to get things sorted out. He said it wasn’t wise to go alone. And he was right.

“I told you, I look after my friends, Maxine.”

“Only friends, huh?” She grinned playfully. “Why are you so nice to me? I mean, I really appreciate it, Lucas.”

“I want to do this, Maxine. I don’t know why but sometimes in life you meet someone and you feel this connection. It’s not really something I can explain but I feel a rapport with you. And besides, right now I’d much rather be here with you,” he said looking around the trashed unit, a bitter knife twisted in his stomach.

What crazy animal did this to Maxine? He would soon find out. Zack told him that the detective agency was on the case working with the cops.

“I’d much rather be with a kind-hearted, down-to-earth friend than dealing with the gossip-hungry media,” Lucas continued.

Maxine gushed inside. She was honored. But that feeling was soon washed away with sorrow for Lucas. What on earth must he be going through? His case was still up in the air in the media. She felt bad for him. His reputation was on the line and here he was, spending time helping Maxine sort through her rubbish.

Maxine felt a bit discouraged looking at all the stuff she would have to sift through. “Are you sure you want to help me out here, Lucas?”

He glanced around and cocked a brow. “Not really. Let’s hire a cleaning agency.”

“Oh,” Maxine said, swallowing hard.

“I’m teasing you, Maxine. Relax,” he said in jest.

She melted at the smoothness of his tone. Yes, she needed to learn to relax.

“I get rustled at times, too, Maxine. Don’t get me wrong. Things rile me up but I’ve learned a long time ago that getting worked up doesn’t do anything to solve a problem. It only makes you feel worse and makes the situation look worse. And even more so than that, sometimes we miss the blessing of a simple solution to our problems because we’re too busy being pissed off.”

“Good point.” Maxine nodded thoughtfully.

Lucas’s expression turned grim when his eyes scanned the apartment further. The walls had splashes of wine from the bottles that were hurled against them. “I want you to stay at the condominium on Bay Street. The one owned by my family.” The words came out more like an order than a request. Maxine did not like the sound of that.
