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All the while, Maxine longed to see him again. She longed to feel the strong surrender of his arms around her again. She longed to kiss his sweet lips. She wanted him, craved him. Absence sure made the heart fonder, and hungrier for passion, too. She didn’t think she could survive another day without seeing him in person—not online either. Maxine would toss and turn at night thinking about Lucas with her, on top of her. She would lie on her back and remove her gown, stroking her nipples, imagining Lucas’s sweet lips caressing them until she came. Oh, how she missed Lucas. The strange thing was that she’d never even gone all the way with him—yet. She wondered if she’d ever get to that point. She wanted him. She wanted him like she’d never wanted any man before.

“The nursing home is on line one,” Betty called out from the reception area of Dream Weddings, Inc.

“Thanks, Betty,” Maxine answered before picking up the flashing line. “Hi, Mom!”

“Oh, darling, you are sounding much better today,” her mother’s steady voiced called out over the phone. Her mom was still pleasantly confused but luckily she was not sedated with drugs and she was not in a mental ward. Thanks to Lucas, she had a twenty-four hour private duty nurse who was absolutely fabulous and compassionate. This gave Maxine more time for herself to take care of herself and run the business while her mother had a wonderful support staffer with her all the time.

“Mom, I thought I always sounded good.”

“Hmm. Not really, dear, but you’ll improve. So how’s the weather in England?”

Maxine grinned. “Mom, I’m here in Toronto with you. The weather is great.”

At least now her mother was referring to her as a daughter and not as a stranger or some ancient princess. At least that was a start.

Things were beginning to look hopeful for Maxine. Except where Lucas was concerned. Okay, so she had not been rushing into his arms or anything but what was with the hot and cold signals she was getting from him? He barely called since travelling to the West Coast. Was he with another woman? Did he find a fling to kill time while he was out there, since clearly Maxine did not give it up to him at the drop of a hat?

There were only two things of which she was unsure. One: Who was the person or persons behind those hate emails and trashing her place? And, two: Where did she stand with Lucas? Did she have a future with him or not?


Two weeks later, dozens of friends and family gathered in the garden at Romero Mansion for the Jack and Jill Baby shower for Lucy and Antonio’s unborn baby. Tables and garden chairs were adorned with pretty white tablecloths and chair coverings while blue and pink ribbons decorated the trees. Enormous teddy bear balloons and “Baby Shower” blue and pink balloons were hanging everywhere. There was a large table filled with gift bags and presents for Lucy’s baby, of which, Maxine’s gifts were amongst them.

The proud mom-to-be Lucy looked so glowing and jubilant with her swelled belly as she sat down on the “Queen” chair surrounded by close friends who were gushing over her. The official games and shower hadn’t begun as of yet. Maxine was sincerely thrilled for Lucy. She’d found her Mr. Right and now she was expecting her first child. Lucy deserved every happiness. Like Maxine, she’d been alone and heartbroken for some time. Years. In fact, they used to tease each other about their celibate years wondering if they’d end up alone and spinsters into their nineties. A lump climbed in Maxine’s throat. Well, at least Lucy would not end up that way. She wasn’t so sure about her own fate, though.

The sound of people laughing, talking and having fun filled the atmosphere. It was a warm summer afternoon in August. The sun was shining bright against a blue cloudless sky. Maxine felt a bit out of her element though. She’d known Lucy for a while but Lucy was hanging with a different crowd now. The rich and the famous. A waiter dressed in a white tux with a black bow tie (one of many waiters) approached Maxine with a tray of refreshments.

“No, thank you. I’m fine for now,” she dismissed him politely. The man walked away. Everybody seemed to be having fun socializing with people they knew but Maxine didn’t really know anyone there. Except Lucas, but he was still out of town as far as she knew.
