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“I told you I had it covered, Lucas,” Zack assured him later in the afternoon at the Romero Estate. “Our men have the dirt on this woman and we’ll be able to make a public announcement soon.”

“That doesn’t matter right now,” Lucas answered back. The men were in the study along with Toni and their press secretary, Pamela. “I really don’t care what they say.”

“You don’t mean that, Lucas. We’ll get this cleared up.”

“Who the devil could have leaked that to the media?”

“Apparently one of the undercover reporters had sneaked on to the premises and pretended to be a temp. They had their cell phone on the boardroom table recording the whole thing. It was by the basket of flowers,” Pamela informed them with bitterness in her voice.

“It seems like we just can’t trust anyone,” Zack shot back. “If we ever catch that person-”

“Don’t worry about that now, Zack. They’ll get what’s coming to them. For now,” Toni returned his attention back to Lucas. “Lucas, you are our main concern. You should never have taken it out on Maxine.”

“Listen, if she doesn’t want to believe in me after all we’ve been through, that’s fine with me.”

“You don’t mean that, do you?” Toni walked over to his grandson and pressed his hand on his shoulder. Lucas had his hands in his pockets, pain in his eyes. He looked like a broken man. Giving up on everything.

Zack and Pamela excused themselves from the study to give Toni and Lucas some privacy.

“I really love her, Granddad. I want her more than anything in the world but how can I make her understand?”

“You don’t have to. I already do,” a breathless voice interrupted the men from behind. When Lucas turned, he was stunned to see Maxine standing at the doorway to the study. “I…I’m sorry to interrupt. I just got here and Zack said you were in the study.” Maxine looked timid, anxiety racked her body.

Lucas walked up to her immediately, a look of concern on his face but she could see a mild sign of relief. “What made you come?”

“Because I just realized what I was doing. Lucas, sometimes people say stupid things in the heat of the moment. I thought about the past few months we’d spent together and all you’ve done for me and meant to me. How could I have discounted all those things? I really care about you,” she said before pausing. “Besides, love means giving the one you care about the benefit of a doubt, right?”

Lucas reached his arms around her waist, gazed intently into her eyes and a wave of desire and longing slithered through her being.

“I love you, Maxine. I would never do anything to hurt you.”

“I…love you, too, Lucas. More than anything in this world.”

She rose up to him on her tiptoes as he lowered his head to hers and pressed her lips to his softness. They’d almost forgotten Toni was still in the study with them.

“It’s okay. Please don’t stop on my behalf.” Toni smirked as he walked out of the room. “Please carry on,” the old man said as he grinned in approval.


A week later…

“Well, look at the new addition to the Romero family,” Toni beamed as he cradled his great-grandson in his arms. The family had gathered in the family room at Romero Mansion for the joyous occasion. “You’re a god-send and a blessing, do you know that? I’m going to name you Alexander,” he cooed to the little newborn who’d arrived in the morning from the hospital.

“Grandfather,” Antonio chuckled. “You can’t just name him. Lucy and I haven’t decided on a name yet."

“Oh, now. I’m only joking. But really, you two need to hurry up and give this little guy a name or else.”

“Understood, sir.”

“And as for you two,” Toni said as he turned to Lucas and Maxine. “You already denied me the pleasure of seeing you get married. The least you can do now is hurry up and give little Romero here a cousin to play with.”

“Now, Granddad, I already told you. We just happened to be in Vegas on a getaway and got caught up in the excitement. We’ll have a big reception here. We promise.” Maxine was gushing as she held her husband’s arm by the fireplace. They gazed lovingly in each other’s eyes. “I just didn’t want to delay sealing our relationship anymore.”
