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Toni’s pet peeve was the casual business look his grandsons often sported. He always thought it was better for a young man to have his suit done up and neat to give the impression of professionalism. But that was back in his day. Was Toni being too old-fashioned regarding his grandsons? For heaven’s sake, they were two generations apart. Toni grew up in a much different era from his grandsons. Very different.

“Granddad, I’m sorry you’ve had to endure inconvenience with all this press intrusion but I’m not taking responsibility for other people’s actions. I think we’re all wasting our time trying to address this. And as for Vegas, I don’t go around judging people by their backgrounds.”

“Lucas! You need to be more careful with whom you associate. I’m warning you.” The tension in the study was beyond palpable. Toni recomposed himself, feeling guilty for tearing into Lucas the way he did. “Lucas, I didn’t mean to raise my voice like that,” Toni’s voice softened.

Lucas’s gaze was fixed outside through the French doors overlooking the massive garden. Luckily it was a private area and tranquil so they were unaware of what was going on outside at the main entrance. It was a quiet area of the estate. A perfect place for family gatherings. At times, one of sorrow. Toni’s other grandson Antonio III was an emotional wreck when the family was called in to the study years ago to address the tragic death of his father Antonio, Jr. The family attorney was the one who delivered the heartbreaking news.

“What do you propose we do, Grandfather?” Antonio III chimed in, his eyes narrowed in anger. He was just as fed up with the series of bad press as the rest of them.

“We must act fast in order to mend the damage,” Toni responded with an air of authority. He then redirected his attention to Lucas. “Lucas, you’ve done so brilliantly with your Healthy Start Program. You’ve not only created jobs with that spectacular software and the initiative walk-in program. I want you to focus on the launch of your new product line. I just don’t want this perception of your being reckless and dishonest to tarnish that.”

“He has a point, Lucas,” Carl added, his deep voice cut through the tension in the room. Carl himself owned the successful string of fitness centers around the city and was quickly branching out to the west coast and to the U.S.

“I’m not disputing that we need to uphold the family honor, Granddad,” Lucas growled. He moved from the spot where he was resting and paced by the fireplace. “I’m disputing the fact that we need to keep playing into this publicity game when every Jane, Mary and Sue comes forth with ridiculous allegations. There’s a time to do damage control and there’s a time to let things go and focus on what really matters. What’s that saying? Time spent on getting even is time wasted for getting ahead.”

“Good point!” Lucy spoke up. Since coming into the family circle six months ago, she rarely spoke up at family meetings such as this.

“I second that,” Zack concurred.

“Yes, you do have a point, Lucas. I understand you don't want to play into the publicity game, but you must understand that we have a reputation to uphold. I don't want you to be the easy target and prey of every young woman out there.” Toni rose from his seat with cane in hand and hobbled over to his grandson. “I just wish you were more steady in your life. I wish you would settle down. I wish you would…” Toni broke off. His voice choked.

“Settle down?” Lucas felt his blood drain . “What does this have to do with me settling down?” Fury erupted inside him. He felt his muscles tightening again and it had nothing to do with the rigorous workout he had over an hour ago. He was fit as an Olympic athlete but had a temper like a volcano when certain topics were thrown at him—such as his issues with commitment.

Now just what was his old grandpa up to this time? Lucas was beginning to get suspicious. He didn’t like where this conversation was headed one bit.

“Perhaps I didn't choose the right words, Lucas. Forgive me,” Toni backed down. His voice was more curt than before but his eyes were downcast.
