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“Who’s in there?” she moaned while pressing her hand to her head to stop the hammering inside her skull.

Talking to strangers or picking up guys was never her thing and never would be. She pulled the sheets over her body and propped herself up in the bed.

Just then, the door swung open and so did Kira’s mouth when a gorgeous naked man walked out with nothing but a towel over his midsection holding what appeared to be an electric toothbrush.

“Oh, my God!”

“Good morning, beautiful,” the sexy stranger said with a dimpled grin on his face. His voice was deep and smooth like warm honey. He tilted his head to the right as if surveying her with his smooth eyes.

Kira could not speak for a moment. His silky voice caused a reaction within her, sending waves of excitement and bewilderment down her spine.

She’d seen good looking guys before but he was…stunning. Drop-dead gorgeous!

Her eyes captured his tall, lean frame and ripped muscles on his firm body. She gaped at his beautiful tanned complexion, his six-pack, biceps, and the taut nipples on his muscular chest. The body of someone who obviously worked out at the gym a lot. No, the body of a Greek god!

His dark sexy eyes resembled a delicious shade of milk chocolate. Ooh, he was hot! Yummy!

“Um…I’m sorry but this might sound a bit…rude but…” Kira sucked in a deep breath, “…who the hell are you? And what are you doing in my room?”

A grin touched the corner of the sinfully handsome stranger’s full lips. His expression, a bit perplexed. “The name’s Romano. Alessandro Romano. Now, honey, is that anyway to greet your…Wait a minute! You don’t remember anything about last night?”

Kira instinctively pulled the sheets up to cover her bosom under her lingerie. Thankfully, she was not naked. “No.”

“Don’t worry, darling. I don’t do comatose women.”

Kira looked aghast.

Alessandro’s expression softened when he saw her reaction. “Relax. I’m just kidding. About you being comatose. We did not have sexual intercourse if that’s what you are worrying about. You can breathe now.” He placed his toothbrush between his lips and turned the motor on. She caught his eyes sliding down her body as if he knew what was underneath the sheet and her nightie.

Kira didn’t realize she was holding her breath but exhaled sharply. She also didn’t realize how much she wanted a part of her in between his lips instead of the toothbrush.

Stop it, Kira! Get your mind out of there. He’s…Did he say, Alessandro Romano? That name. That name sounds so familiar. Where did she hear it from?

Oh, God!

Alessandro Romano!

One of the billionaires bidding for the facility in Orlando!

She’d spent so much time researching Alessandro’s background that she felt she knew a lot about him. At age thirty-five, he was one of the youngest self-made billionaires. He was also one of the most generous philanthropists, giving away more of his income than any other wealthy tycoon. But he also had a mysterious side. And…he looked so much different from the few photos she found of him on the web. For instance, he always wore his trademark shades in public.

She just got the new assignment from her employer, Babs Insider Magazine, to cover the story that was supposed to be titled “The Bidding War Begins! Let the Best Man Win.” Their other reporter got sick and couldn’t make the trip.

She held her head again at that thought. God, she would never have another drink so long as she lived and that would suit her just fine.

“Seemed like you had a bit too much to drink, my dear. After we…”

“After we what?” Kira’s heart pounded hard and fast in her chest now. She thought she was going to have a panic attack. This could not be happening. No way could this be happening. She was usually careful. She didn’t do exciting things…like this. This was all so out of character for her. Her sister was the fun one. Kandy’s motto had always been “life is short, so live it up!”

Just then her head started to throb again. So did her inner thighs. How could she hold a proper conversation when he was…dripping with sexual eroticism?

“Relax, Kira! We just got married,” he said as he returned to brushing his teeth as if he said nothing out of the ordinary.

“We just got what?”

Kira felt her heart stop.
