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This was a magical moment, and Dane was so overcome with emotion. Something that had never happened to him before. He didn’t even care how coherent he sounded as he rambled from his heart. His vows were not written. Olivia and he had decided they were going to improvise and speak from their hearts. Natural surroundings at the beach, natural words—nothing pre-planned. Right now, he didn’t even see his brothers, who were probably rolling their eyes at his corny words, because the one thing in the world that mattered to him was right in front of him.

God, Olivia looked gorgeous in her silhouette hugging, silky wedding gown, as the breeze from the water blew her wavy, long dark tresses. He could not believe she was all his.

“Olivia, I take you to be my wedded wife,” Dane continued, adding a bit of tradition to his personal vows. Because the words meant a lot to him. It was how he truly felt. “To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness or in health, to love and to cherish ‘til death do us part. And I pledge you my faithfulness forever.” His eyes held hers with such intensity, there was no doubt he meant every single word of his vows.

“You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me,” Dane continued. “I met you on the eve of Christmas. And I learned quickly that the best Christmas gifts are not the ones wrapped under the tree,” Dane said looking deep into Olivia’s beautiful, brown eyes. Her eyes always mesmerized him. Every time. “The best Christmas gifts,” he continued, “are the ones wrapped around your heart.”

Dane heard Aunt Maya sob loudly. Tears of joy. He felt his heart flutter. His father, Jonah, was close by sitting in the front, his head tilted up to show his pride in his son.

“Oh, Dane.” Olivia’s voice quivered with emotion. “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I prayed that one day I would find the right man for me and when I met you on Christmas Eve, I knew then that God had answered my prayers.”

Her angelic voice stirred a sweet reaction in Dane. He couldn’t wait until they embarked on their honeymoon together.

Her family was also seated on the beach together with his. They’d decided to have a private affair, away from the prying eyes of the media. A cozy, intimate occasion on their private beach at sunset. Just the way they both liked it. They had so much in common. He gazed upon her, thanking God he’d been so blessed to have her in his life and that they would begin their shared journey as husband and wife in holy matrimony. What more could a man ask for? He felt as if he was the luckiest man alive, looking into the riveting dark eyes of the loveliest bride with a heart of pure gold. His life partner.

“I take you as my wedded husband. To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness or in health, to love and to cherish ‘til death do us part. And I pledge you my faithfulness forever,” she said, her voice strong and melodic.

“This day is like a dream come true,” she breathed as the water continued to splash against the shoreline. “You complete me so beautifully. I love you so much. From day one, you’ve always been there for me, making me feel treasured and so special. I vow to always be there for you, to love you and to honor you and respect you and be your life partner forever. Oh, Dane, you mean the world to me.”

Dane was overcome with emotion, glancing at his beautiful bride. God, she was stunning with her sensuous curves and marvellous smile. She was a beautiful, intelligent, kind-hearted woman who cared so much for him. What more could he ask for? He’d do anything to protect her. He leaned forward to her and snaked his arms around her waist, hugging her to him. Honestly, he just couldn’t resist. He tenderly pressed his lips to hers.

The minister cleared his throat. “I know this is not a traditional ceremony,” he said quietly, with a grin, “but…”

“Oh, of course!” Dane smiled, pulling back gently. Olivia looked sheepish and giggled. He loved when she did that. Everything she did was so adorable.

From the corner of his eye, he could see his brothers, Chase and Leo, nudge each other as they grinned, shaking their heads. “True love never waits,” Leo whispered loudly to Chase.

Luckily, the roaring of the water was loud enough that the rest of the guests probably didn’t hear. It was a fun day; it was Dane and Olivia’s day. So what if it was a little unconventional? So, he got a little anxious to skip a step to caress his sweet bride’s lips to his. She tasted so good; he couldn’t wait to spend his forever with her.

After the minister continued with the ceremony, it was a blissful beginning to their new life together.

They were officially pronounced husband and wife, and he was going to enjoy the sweetness of Olivia’s touch every day, forevermore.

Dane’s father got up on his feet, cheering the loudest. Aunt Maya by his side. His brothers and the rest of the guests all cheered and threw confetti as Mr. and Mrs. Belmont walked down the pathway of the gazebo to a lifetime of bliss.

* * *

It was the first day of spring and Jonah Belmont, III sat in the grand study at Belmont Palace surrounded by his family and friends. He held the brass antique bucket in his lap and a wicked grin touched the corner of his lips as he held in his other hand, the silky vanilla boutonniere that was pinned to Dane’s wedding tux.

“Son, you’ve made me a very happy man. And you and Olivia have my blessing. I know you will both enjoy a long and wonderful betrothal as do all the Belmont men who’ve placed their boutonnieres in this brass bucket. Now I can cross this one off my bucket list and place the first boutonniere inside this vessel from my grandfather. May your marriage to Olivia be blessed all the days of your lives.”

“Thank you, Jo…Dad.” Dane’s eyes were misty. He wasn’t afraid to show emotion. He held Olivia tightly.

“Thank you, Mr. Belmont.” Olivia and her husband embraced.

“Well, who’s next?” Jonah eyed his son by the fireplace.

“Oh, no,” Chase said. “You can’t possibly expect me to go next, Dad.”

“Trust me, Chase,” Dane said. “Love and marriage are special. I’ve never felt so alive.” He rubbed Olivia’s shoulder. “You know I’ve been burned, too. But you can’t give up on finding true love. God, that sounds so clichéd…”

Chase rolled his eyes.

Just then JoJo walked into the study.

“Well, mark my words, boys. By the time the year is done, I will have all you married off. You need to place your boutonniere in this bucket for good luck. Trust me on this one,” Jonah said as a man appeared in the doorway.

“Hi, JoJo,” Jonah said.

“Can I have a word with you, sir? Alone?”


Dane guessed it had to do with the missing Belmont heir his father had JoJo look into.

* * *

When everyone left the grand study, JoJo sat looking into the fireplace, his chin held up.

“Did you find any missing heirs, JoJo?”



JoJo sighed. How was he going to break it to this man gently—a man with limited time on earth. “There’s no other way to say this, sir, but…”

“But what?”

“I’m officially off the job. I don’t want to hear from you again. I don’t want to talk to you ever again. And I would appreciate you not getting in contact with me or telling the boys.”

Jonah turned around and looked stone-cold into JoJo’s face. His lips were pinched tightly. He was clearly angry. “I’m sorry you had to find out this way, JoJo. I really didn’t know when I hired you, but when I found out the truth, I had to let you go through with it.”

“You’re a crazy man, sir. How could you?”

“I had no choice.”

“Damn it!” JoJo’s voice raised a fraction. Jonah hoped his sons wouldn’t hear. “My mother left me on the doorsteps of a church. I was raised in a foster home. She was too ashamed to even tell you. Why didn’t you reach out to her?” Anger scorched JoJo’s blood.

Jonah’s eyes misted over. But JoJo wasn’t going to get all soft in the center for this guy. No way in hell. “I’m sorry, Brandon.”


“The name on your birth certificate is Brandon Jonah Knight. But it should have been Brandon Jonah Belmont. You’re my son, Brandon.”

“That’s JoJo. And no, I’m not.”

“Yes, you are.”

“In blood, maybe. But as of now, I’m out of your life.” JoJo turned to leave. “And as far as having all your sons fulfill your bucket wish list,” he said, pivoting to face Jonah one more time. “You can count me out—for good.”
