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Spent after that session, I need a nap just to refuel so I can get back to writing. My deadline is still looming over my head. At least Carter helped me with of one of my problems. He was taking up too much of the headspace I need to write my skanky stories.

Now that I’ve gotten him out of my system, I can shower, get some shut eye for a few hours, and go back to working on my book. My editor will be thankful for the distraction Carter provided me. He also managed to help me out with some new material I plan to use. While the new book idea involves experimenting on Carter, he doesn’t seem to mind and will play along if I keep him satisfied in the process. Game on.

Chapter 7


As per the usual, Kennedy is already waiting for me when I walk through the door of Broad Street Beans for our lunch date. No matter the occasion, I am never on time. My mother always jokes that I will show up late to my wedding. And I counter with how I will be late to my funeral. Both of these scenarios are a serious possibility given my lack of time management. I could set my alarm clock three hours ahead of the time I need to be somewhere. It wouldn’t matter. I would still end up five minutes late.

Some would call it rude, others lazy or inconsiderate, but I attempt to show up on schedule. For whatever reason, life always has another plan for me. I am stuck in traffic, or the car won’t start, or I can’t find my wallet. There is something every time without fail as if the universe is pulling me in another direction.

I walk over to Kennedy, who is plugging away on her laptop. She must be working on the story from this morning. As the owner of Sports Buzz, a small online paper she was able to save from her family’s fire sale, Kennedy works her ass off.

Getting interviews from top players in pro sports has not been easy for her, despite her best efforts. Ever since Tyler came into her life, doors have opened up, and her online newspaper is thriving. Or at least she’s making enough money to keep it afloat.

In the zone when I walk up to the table, Kennedy steals a few glances at the shorthand notes she has on the notepad next to her computer, unaware I am standing above her, waiting for her to notice me. I love watching her work. When she’s on point, Kennedy can really hammer out articles like nobody’s business.

She studied communications at NYU, while I was off at writing conferences and touring the country for my first published book. I would visit her on the weekends and whenever I could manage enough time to get away from the constant pressure my publisher had me under.

But things have only gotten worse for me in the past six years since I became a best selling author. The work never stops, fans want more, and the deadlines get tighter as I go. But Kennedy takes it in stride, despite being on the last of her savings and close to losing her company.

She won’t let Tyler or me help her, and I think I love her even more for that. My best friend has always looked up to me. I can see it in the way she looks at me, the way she speaks to me with such reverence when we are around other people. But I have admired her for as long as I can remember.

Probably from the first day we met back in high school, at the stupid preparatory academy our parents sent us. We bonded over our hatred of the school and the people in it. Since then, we have been inseparable. Or at least we were until Tyler came along and disrupted our flow.

By the time Kennedy looks up at me, she seems startled by my presence. “You’re here. Finally. And only twenty minutes late,” she deadpans. “Of course, you look gorgeous, as always.”

“Stop that.” I take the seat across from her, drape my purse strap over the back of the

chair, and flash Kennedy a smile. “Not to sound like a bitch, because you know I love you, but you look like crap, babe.” I flatten my palms on the table, appraising her and taking in every detail of her face, as I lean forward. “Has Tyler been keeping you locked up in a dungeon over there?”

Reaching across the table, I attempt to take a lock of her hair in my hand, but she backs away from me before I can interrogate her further. I don’t mean any harm by my comments. It’s just she looks sick or beaten down. And I’m concerned about her health.

Kennedy folds her arms across her chest, crossing her leg over the other, and shakes her head. “You know you can be such a brat sometimes, Syd. Tyler is taking care of me in more ways than you can imagine. I am doing just fine. Maybe you’re the one who needs a man to tend to your needs.”

My face grows serious for a second before I break our intense staring contest, the two of us fucking with the other. I am worried about the yellowish tint to her skin. She looks sickly, far from the healthy girl I saw a few weeks ago.

I break out into laughter, ending our stare down. “Carter and I are fantastic, thank you very much.”

“Did you have sex with him yet?” She knows the answer to her question after all of Carter’s phone calls and visits to bitch to Tyler and her.

He knows the rules of our game, or at least he should by now. I am not about to spell it out for him. Plus, I sort of make them up as I go and force him to adapt. We have more fun that way.

I flick my dark curls over my shoulder and glance out the window. “Let’s just say I am making Carter work for every second he spends with me. And he can’t get enough of what I’m putting down.”

“You have that man wrapped around your finger, huh? Some guys can only take so much,” she says, sounding like my mother trying to give me advice. At least Kennedy offers something of value, while my mom has no clue what she’s talking about most of the time. “Well, despite your many charms, Syd, you have a way of wearing men down.”

“More like I bring them to their knees,” I say, resolute.

Kennedy laughs, covering her mouth with her hand. “If you had a super power, that would be it.”

I shrug, unaffected by the mental pain I am causing Carter. “More or less. I think he likes playing the game just as much as I do.”

“You might end up losing him if you don’t give in a little bit. Carter is also Tyler’s best friend, and I’d like to avoid any awkwardness that your pretend romance will end up causing in the future.”

“Just because you’re ready to walk down the aisle with Tyler doesn’t mean I want that for myself, K. I am having too much fun with Carter to stop. You have no idea what it’s like to see a man like him grovel and beg. It’s so sexy. He will be rewarded in time, and I will make it worth his wait.”

“Look, all I’m saying is that you should ease up on him. If you like him, you should give him a real shot, maybe let him take you out on a date. I know for a fact he would kill for the opportunity to take you anywhere you want. You could tell him you want to eat dinner in Paris and Carter would have a flight booked ten minutes later. Trust me, girl, this one is boyfriend material. Think about it.”
