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But now she had bigger matters on her mind. Her heart raced as she thought how this moment might lead to answers about the past—about her conception. She couldn’t wait to track down her biological father.

“Please excuse the condition of the place.” Ric opened the door. “I’ve had it locked up since my uncle’s passing. I... I just needed time to deal with it.”

“I understand.” Not everyone was thrust into action by a contest written into a will, like she and her siblings had been after their parents’ unexpected deaths.

Gin wiggled in her arms. With the door shut, she put the little guy down to explore, but she didn’t let him off the leash.

Her thoughts turned to her family’s villa in the rolling hills of Tuscany. Guilt niggled her for just up and leaving the whole business with her two managers. But she just couldn’t stay there and continue to act like nothing had happened.

Finding out she wasn’t a Bartolini had been devastating. She’d lost her footing, and she didn’t know if she’d ever feel sure and confident again—not until she found out exactly who she was and who her ancestors were. And most of all, she had to learn why her parents had lied to her all her life. Who did something like that?

“Gia?” Ric turned to her from where he now stood across the spacious foyer. “Are you coming?”

The puppy pulled on the leash, anxious to follow Ric. In comparison to her childhood home, this place was colder and a lot more proper. She glanced around, finding what looked to be expensive works of art on the walls.

While the puppy sniffed his way around the room, Gia took in her surroundings. She wasn’t sure what she’d been expecting. It was as though the house was just waiting for someone to walk in the door and bring it back to life. There weren’t any dust covers, though the place could definitely use them.

“My uncle’s study is this way.” Ric headed toward the back of the house.

She followed him. All the while, she took in the high ceilings with their ornate plasterwork as well as the collection of artwork. It was like walking through a museum. She couldn’t believe Ric had closed up this place instead of moving in.

Though maybe it was the old-world style of the home that kept Ric away. After all, his apartment was state-of-the-art, and the style had a modern industrial flair to it. Very different from this villa that was from another century.

Gia entered the study, noticing all its dark wood and antiques. It was an organized room. Everything appeared to be in its spot, but coated with an inch of dust.

However in a matter of minutes, Ric had undone all the order as he opened drawers and piled papers on the desk and more on the coffee table that sat in front of the brown leather couch beneath the windows.

Gia sneezed.

Gin sneezed.

“Sorry,” Ric said. “I guess it’s been a while since this place was dusted.”

“Can I help you go through the papers?” She wasn’t quite sure what he was searching for other than proof she wasn’t his uncle’s daughter.

She couldn’t really blame him. She knew how devastating family secrets could be. They didn’t just change the past, but they also changed the here and now. And who knew about the future. Something told Gia that no matter who her biological father turned out to be, her family would never be the same. The thought weighed heavy on her heart.

“Give me a second.” He heaved another stack of file folders onto the already crowded desk. “On second thought, give me a few minutes to figure out where to start looking for clues.”

She wanted to ignore him and just dive into the files. She was so anxious to find the pieces of the puzzle to complete her life’s story, but she had to wait. She was here at Ric’s invitation. She didn’t doubt if she got pushy, he’d withdraw his help immediately. She just had to be patient. That was easier said than done.

But if Ric’s uncle was her father, that meant this villa was a piece of her past. And without anything better to do, why not explore the place? Maybe she would learn more about the man. The thought appealed to her.

“Do you mind if I look around?”

Ric glanced up from an open folder. He looked confused at first, as though he’d forgotten that she was still in the room. “Um, sure. Yeah. I’ll be here if you need me.”

And so she was off, Gin right at her heels. She hoped while she was gone that Ric would find the answers she so anxiously wanted. The home was quite spacious, with three floors of elaborately decorated rooms.

Gia noticed there were portraits of the same woman on each floor. They must be images of Ric’s aunt. She had been a beautiful woman. And as Gia passed through room after room, it was obvious Ric’s uncle loved and missed his wife after her passing, because her feminine touch was in each room as though he was just waiting for her to return.

Gia fell in love with the home. Its classic decor was tasteful but not overdone. And sure, it needed some upda

tes, but whoever lived in this house next would be fortunate. She could imagine many happy family moments spent here.

Ric’s image flashed in her mind. Would he someday give up his bachelor pad and settle down here? Something told her that he’d only do it once he had a family of his own. The thought dampened her mood.

She told herself the reason it bothered her was that she still had no idea about her other family. And she had no idea why her parents had strived to keep the secret from her. Why do that? It wasn’t like her parents were super secretive people. But when it came to her birth, there was a reason they didn’t ever let on. Did her very existence threaten their marriage? Did they fear she would bring her biological father into their lives and it would ruin the reconciliation they’d strived to achieve?
