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As he guided her down to the docks, she asked, “Who are we meeting tonight? Is there anything I can say to help you?”

“Help me?”

“You know, to make a deal.” She rambled on because she was nervous and he was still holding her hand, which was making thinking a challenge. “You can count on me to back you up. If you want me to tell them how your technology is helping my hotel, I can do that.” Because ever since Ric had helped her strengthen her passwords, he’d also strengthened her hotel’s online presence. Reservations were steadily climbing. “Just let me know what you want me to say.”

A smiled played at the corners of his lips. “And that’s what you think we’re here for? Business?”

“Aren’t we?” Her stomach shivered with nerves.

Ric stopped walking and turned to her. He gazed into her eyes. “No. We’re here for something far more important.”

She wanted to say something. But the pounding of her heart drowned out her thoughts. And instead she stood there quietly, as though by staring into his eyes he’d cast a spell over her. Her gaze momentarily lowered to his lips before she caught herself and raised her gaze to meet his once more.

He stepped closer to her and lowered his voice. “I wanted to do something special for you.”

“ did?” She struggled to string two words together.

He smiled at her, and it was like a hundred butterflies took flight within her. He turned and they continued walking. What exactly had he planned for this evening? And what did it mean? Was this just a friendly gesture? Or was it something more?

When he came to a stop next to a huge white yacht with navy trim, her mouth gaped. They were going to board this? She’d never been on a boat before, let alone one so fancy.

Her family had money, but it was old money and her parents liked to live simply. Though they could have owned something like this beautiful vessel, they wouldn’t have. The man she’d always thought of as her father hadn’t liked the water, and her mother was happy with their life at the vineyard—at least that’s what Gia and her siblings had thought until they’d uncovered their mother’s journal and the circumstances surrounding Gia’s conception.

She wondered what else they’d assumed about their parents and been wrong about. How could people be so close and yet not know as much about each other as they’d thought?

“Gia? What’s wrong?” The concern in Ric’s voice startled her from her troubling thoughts.

“Um, nothing.”

The look on his face said that he didn’t believe her. “Are you sure?”

“Positive.” She forced a smile to her lips. “What are we doing here? I thought we were going out for dinner.”

“We are.” And then he led her aboard.

She looked around. The boat looked brand-new. Everything sparkled and gleamed. “How did you manage this?”

“It wasn’t hard. The truth is that I don’t use it much. When I purchased the yacht, I thought I’d use it for business meetings and to entertain business acquaintances, but I quickly found out they were just as busy as me. No one these days has time for long, leisurely outings.”

Her mouth gaped as she looked around again with the knowledge that this huge boat was all his. “This is bigger than the guest house on my parents’ estate.”

It wasn’t until the words were out of her mouth that she realized the estate was no longer her parents’. It was still so hard to comprehend that they were gone, and now she was searching for where she fit in this world. What once was, was no longer.

“I should probably sell it, but I’m glad I didn’t.” He stepped up close to her.

“Why not?”

“Because then we wouldn’t be able to have dinner out on the sea.”

And with that the yacht pulled away from the dock, and they headed off into the sunset. Gia felt as though she were Cinderella, but this definitely wasn’t a ball. It was better.

Once they were away from the shore, it was like they were the only ones on earth. Well, except for the staff that served them the most delightful dinner. And the captain who navigated the peaceful seas. However, they made themselves scarce, leaving her and Ric alone.

Ric had her full attention. He was sweet and attentive. She’d noticed that he hadn’t checked his phone once since they’d left the dock. His attention was fully on her. And she had no idea what that meant. Was this the beginning of something? A follow-up to that steamy kiss they’d shared? Her heart quickened at the thought.

Thoughts of her business, the villa remodel and the search for her biological father slipped to the back of her mind. This evening, with classic ballads playing in the background, she found herself getting swept up in their words of love.

With the dinner dishes cleared and the tiramisu finished, Ric stood and held his hand out to her. “Would you care to dance?”
