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He stepped inside. A tall man was passing through the spacious foyer. He paused and glanced up. “Welcome to the Barto Villa. Can I help you?”

“I was hoping to speak with the woman in charge.”

“Do you have a reservation?”

“No. I don’t.”

“I’m afraid we’re fully booked. I can give you the name of another hotel—”

“If I could just speak with Gia.”

“She isn’t available.” The man’s dark brows drew together. “Do you know her?”

Isn’t available? What did that mean? If she wasn’t working, where would she be?

A young woman entered the room. Her attentive gaze moved between him and the man frowning at him. Ric wasn’t sure what he’d done to set off the man.

“Can I help you?” the woman asked.

Before Ric could answer, the other man spoke. “He’s looking for Gia.”

The woman’s gaze moved to the dogs before returning to meet his gaze. He couldn’t tell what she was thinking. “You’re Ric, aren’t you?”

So, Gia had told them about him. Interesting. “Yes, I am. If you could just tell Gia I’m here—”

“No.” The man crossed his arms over his chest.

“Then tell me where she is and I’ll go to her.”

“No,” the man said again.

This guy certainly didn

’t like him. So was this guy interested in Gia? Or was he the protective older brother? Ric studied the man. The eyes were similar to Gia’s. Ric was willing to bet this was her brother. And if that was her brother—he glanced at the woman with similar colored eyes—she was most likely the sister.

“Why do you want to speak with our sister?” the woman asked.

So he was right.

“What does it matter?” Enzo asked. “He had his chance and he blew it.”

Bianca frowned at her brother. “Would you let him speak?”

“Won’t matter. I don’t care what he has to say. He’s not going to hurt Gia again.”

A smile tugged at Ric’s lips though he resisted the urge. He loved that all along Gia had the family that she’d desired just waiting for her. It may not be the father she’d envisioned, but her brother and sister clearly loved her fiercely. Now he just had to convince them that he was here to fix things.

“I don’t want to hurt your sister. I swear.” Ric searched for anything that would remove the frown from Enzo’s face.

Bianca studied him. “I believe him.” And then she approached Ric. He wasn’t sure what she was going to do until she knelt to fuss over the dogs. “Aren’t you two cuties?”

“I don’t believe him.” Enzo stood there with his arms crossed, not budging at all.

“Just give me a few minutes to speak with her. If she wants me to leave after hearing what I have to say, I will.” Ric really didn’t want to have to fight his way past Gia’s brother, but he wasn’t leaving until he spoke with Gia.

Bianca straightened. She turned to her brother. “Let him talk to her. You tried to stop me from seeing Leo and look how that turned out.” She leaned toward Ric. “We’re getting married at Christmas.”

