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“The mail? What is it?”

She held out the envelope. “Here. Maybe it’d be better if you read it yourself.”

His brows drew together as he accepted the envelope. He glanced at the front which only had her name, Lady Annabelle. He withdrew the note and started to read.

He didn’t say anything as his gaze rose to meet hers. And then he read it again. The continued silence was eating at her. Why didn’t he say something?

At last, not able to contain herself, she said, “Well, what do you think? This is a good sign, isn’t it?”

“Good? How do you get that?” His voice rumbled with emotion. “This is far from good.”

Why wasn’t he seeing this as a good sign? Maybe if she explained her reasoning. “Don’t you see? If we weren’t getting close, whoever this is wouldn’t be scared that we’re going to reveal the truth.”

“And I think you’re taking this too lightly. Annabelle, this is a threat to your safety. You have to tell your uncle and the police.”

She shook her head. “No way. This is proof that my mother’s murder was something more than a mugging.”

“Which is another reason to bring in the authorities.”

“No.” She would not bend on her decision. “They won’t take it seriously—”

“They will. They’ll make sure you’re safe.”

“But they won’t reopen my mother’s case.”

“You don’t know that for sure.”

Her unwavering gaze met his. “We have no proof of foul play. Until we do, this stays between us.”

Grayson blew out a deep breath as he raked his fingers through his hair. “You think we’ll find the proof we need by following the clues?”

She nodded. “I promise, as soon as we have proof of my mother’s murder we’ll go to the police.”

“Can I tr

ust you?”

She swiped her finger over her heart, making an X. “Cross my heart and hope to die.”

“Okay. I don’t think you have to go that far. But if I agree to go along with this, you have to do something for me.”

“Name it.”

“You have to promise not to go out of my sight. Someone has to keep you safe—someone who knows there’s a legitimate threat lurking out there.”

The implications of his words struck her. “When you say not out of your sight, are we talking about sleeping and showering together?”

He frowned at her. “Any other time I’d welcome your flirting, but not now. This is serious. You get that, don’t you?”

She did, but she refused to let that note scare her off. “I was just trying not to let the threat get to me, but you just went and ruined that.”

“You can’t pretend your safety isn’t at risk.” He pressed his hand to his trim waist. “You should back off this search and let me handle it.”

“That’s not going to happen.” She leveled him a long, hard stare, making sure he knew she meant business. “I’ll take the threat seriously, but we’re in this together.”

“And when I tell you to do something to keep you safe, you’ll do it without arguing?”

“Now you’re pushing your luck.” When he looked as though he was about to launch into another argument, she said, “Stop worrying. I won’t do anything dangerous. Besides, you’ll be right there to protect me. Now, we should get going.”
