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"Got dumped this afternoon," he said gloomily

It obviously wasn't too deep a relationship, because it hadn't stopped him taking other partners. "So?"

"So, he was a good fuck and I'll miss him. "

I grinned and patted his hand in sympathy. "You drink too much more and you won't be up to finding more replacements tonight. "

"It'll only take an hour or so to sober up, and besides, I feel like wallowing in self-pity right now. " The hologram lights caught his black hair as he leaned back, lending it rich claret highlights. "What can I help you with?"

"I need to know where Rhoan is. "

He raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

"Because I have a gut feeling he's in trouble. "

The very lack of reaction in his bloodshot eyes told me just

how little he cared for my brother - and for that alone, I wanted to smack his drunken ass

"Serious trouble?"

I took a deep breath and blew it out. More to control that urge to hit him than anything else. "No, not serious trouble. I feel he needs help, that's all. He's gotten into a situation he can't extract himself from. "

Davern snorted. "He's always doing that, and he always gets out eventually. "

"Yeah, but this isn't a sexual situation. " Yet even as I said it, I felt the slight lie. It was a sexual situation - sort of

Which made about as much sense as Rhoan's staying in a relationship so long with an uncaring nitwit like Davern. He had to be a damn good fuck because he certainly didn't appear to have much else going for him

"When did you last see Rhoan?"

"Last week. I believe he was with Liander until Sunday, though. "

Then I'd definitely have to find Liander. "I don't suppose he said where he was going after Liander's?"

His bloodshot gaze went past me and I felt the hunger stir in him. Maybe he wasn't as drunk as I'd thought

"He mentioned something about having to investigate Evensong Air. "

Quinn's airline. Great. I grabbed Davern's hand, forcing his attention back to me. "It's very important I know exactly what he said about Evensong Air. "

He blinked. "For God's sake, it was over a week ago. "

"I know, but try to work your way past the sozzled brain cells and remember, all the same. "

He frowned, and with his free hand reached for his drink. "He said there were some problems within Evensong and that he might have to go undercover. That's all. I swear. "

I released him and flopped back in my chair. Rhoan was investigating Evensong and I had the vampire who owned the company camped out in my hallway

Coincidence? Not likely

And while I couldn't actually question Quinn himself without raising suspicions, I could certainly take the roundabout line of inquiry. Talon walked the same circles as Quinn, and if anyone could dig up dirt, it would be he

But before I could ask him to do me a favor, I had to get past the sex.

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