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Tears splashed onto Lucia’s cheeks. “Goddess help me, I can’t control this.”

“You can,” Cleo said. She still grasped Lucia’s shoulder and her ring had begun to glow just as it had the last time. Her heart raced. “You can control this. Your magic—it’s incredible.”

“That’s what Father says.” Lucia’s voice trembled. “But now everyone will know about this.”

“No, they won’t. I swear I won’t tell anyone.” Cleo gently took the frozen animal from Lucia and placed it down on the ground. Then she grasped the princess’s hands in her own. “I can help you.”

Lucia swallowed hard, frowning. “I feel calmer now with you here. More in control.”

Of course you do. I have the ring that helps controls your magic.

No wonder it hadn’t worked for Cleo unless she touched something magical. She had no magic of her own that needed to be tamed.

Not yet.

“We didn’t get off on the right foot before, Lucia. I am sorry for that. But I do want to be your friend. You need someone you can trust. So do I.” She couldn’t lose her strength or her bravery now when she needed it most. “I know what you are and what you can do. You’re a sorceress.”

Lucia’s eyes widened. “You know?”

So it was true. This—this was what Cleo needed. This was the sign she’d been searching for, praying for. The missing piece of her puzzle. The ring was only half of it.

Princess Lucia was the other half.

“Yes, I know.”

“And you’re not afraid of me?”

Terrified beyond words.

“No, I’m not afraid of you.” Cleo smiled and pulled this dangerous girl into a tight embrace. “You and me—we’re sisters now. We can help each other . . . if you want to.”

Lucia nodded, pressing her face into Cleo’s shoulder. “I want to.”

This princess was the most powerful creature who currently lived and breathed. And Lucia’s magic—aided by this ring—was essential to getting Cleo’s throne back.

The key to destroying the King of Blood was his very own daughter.


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