Page 320 of Storm (Elemental 1)

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Michael was so still beside her, she wasn’t sure he was breathing.

She wasn’t sure she was.

“No powers,” Hunter said. “I can pull this trigger faster than you can call elements.”

“Want to bet?” said Gabriel. She heard the flick of a lighter.

Hunter cocked the gun. “Try me.”

“Gabriel,” said Michael, his voice sharp.

“It is you,” said Becca, her voice shaking. That gun was way too frigging close to her face. “You’re the Guide.”

“No,” said Hunter. His eyes didn’t leave his target. “My father was.”

His father was? But his father had died months ago. “Hunter,” she whispered. “Think about this. Just—”

“Think about it? All I’ve done is think about it.” His hand was steady, the gun not wavering. But she heard something in his voice, a tremor in the words, maybe. He kept his eyes on Michael. “I read my dad’s notes. He wasn’t coming here to kill you. He should have been. You sure didn’t have a problem killing him.”

Becca had to stop looking at his finger on the trigger. “Please, Hunter. Put the gun down.”

He didn’t move. He didn’t even blink.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” said Michael, his voice careful.

“You’ve killed people,” said Hunter. “A girl, right? Seth Ramsey’s parents?”

Michael hesitated—then nodded.

Becca swallowed.

Hunter drew a breath, and this time she heard it shake. “You knew my father was coming for you.”

Michael shook his head. “No. I didn’t. I don’t know who your father—”

“You knew!” Hunter’s voice cracked. “You had to know!”

Casper barked.

Becca flinched.

“Easy,” breathed Michael. “I swear to you—”

“Shut up,” said Hunter. “You got away with three murders. You’re not getting away with five.”

“I didn’t know,” said Michael. “I swear to you, I didn’t know.”

“His father was killed in a rock slide,” Becca said, the words falling out of her mouth in a rush. “His father and his uncle. Hunter was in the car—”

“Becca!” Hunter’s voice made her jump.

“You want to talk dead parents?” said Gabriel. “Get in line.”

“Shut up,” said Hunter.

“You shut up. A rock slide? Some f**king power your father had, he couldn’t even—”

Hunter put the barrel of the gun against Gabriel’s forehead. “You. Shut. Up.”

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