Page 9 of Bad Girl

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“I’m sure it was some kids or something. My mom always said the city is full of crime.”

“She must not be too happy about you living here now then. I suspect she's not happy about you living in a hotel as well.” He’s right about that. If my mom were still alive, she would hate that I’m staying in that place. But there isn't anyone to look after me anymore. Warren made sure of that. That thought angers me and makes the nerves fall to the wayside.

“She’s dead so it doesn't matter.” I gaze out the window, willing the knot in my throat to go away. I will not cry in front of this man. His hand on my thigh tightens.

“I’m sorry to hear that. How about your father—”

“Dead,” I cut him off. The car grows silent.

“See. You need someone to look after you.” I push down the longing I have for that. I’m starved for affection. But I’m not here for any of that. Revenge is my motivation, I remind myself. No matter how handsome Warren is.

“I’ve been doing fine on my own.” I don’t need him up my ass making my job harder. “Besides, I’d hate for you to have to look at me.”

“Why would you say such a thing?” His hand comes to my chin, turning my face to make me look at him. I have to admit that the man is way better at this than me. If I didn’t already know what a ruthless man he was, I’d actually believe he was being sincere.

“Those were your words, Mr. Holmes.” Thankfully the car rolls to a stop in front of the building, and I can jump out. I curse myself for even bringing it up at all. Now he’s going to know it actually bothered me. I don’t want him to think that anything he does affects me. Even though deep down inside it does.

I don’t get too far from Warren. I pick up my pace when we enter the building. I notice that the elevator doors are about to close so I slip in. That is until a hand grabs them in the nick of time, and they pop back open.

He stands next to me as we ride the elevator up to our floor. It takes forever as people get on and off. I can feel this strange tension forming between Warren and me. I have no idea how to play this. Chris told me to get close to him. Here he is extra close, but I don’t understand what has changed since yesterday.

I’m the first one out when we finally get to our floor. I dart off quickly, running right into Scott.

“Whoa, Leila. You don’t have to throw yourself at me,” he says with a laugh.

“Sorry.” The smile drops from Scott’s face.

“Shouldn't you be working?” Warren says from behind me.

“Right.” Scott turns and speed walks toward his desk.

“You should be more careful,” Warren says. His normal grumpy tone is back.

“I’ll work on that.” I make a beeline for my desk, needing some space from Warren and this weirdness. I know I can’t call Chris and explain this. If he thought someone was on to me, would he even tell me?

“Leila.” Warren’s hand wraps around my wrist. I have no choice but to follow him. He leads me into his office before he lets my wrist go. He shuts the door and I hear the lock click into place.

Oh shit. This is it. He’s going to torture me right here and now. I bet these walls are soundproof. I watch as he slowly turns around. I have to tilt my head back to look up at him. He really is a beast of a man. How the hell did Chris think that I would be able to kill him? I probably should’ve informed him that I couldn’t hurt a fly. I’m the girl that takes the bugs I find in the house outside to release them. But this is different I remind myself.

“Will you stop running from me every second you get the chance?” I stand there, not saying anything. I don’t think it was really a question, but more of a demand. When his eyes drop to my mouth, everything inside of me melts.

“You’re distracting,” he finally says, breaking the silence. “That’s why I don’t care for the look of you. You’re taking all of my attention.” He growls out the last part as my mind wraps around what he’s saying.

“But—” I don’t get a word out because he grabs me. He pulls me into his body, and his mouth comes down onto mine. For a brief moment I lean into him, enjoying the warmth and comfort of his body. I let everything else slip away as he pushes his tongue into my mouth.

A knock on the door has me jumping back. Everything comes flooding back to me about the reality of who this man is. And how much he’s taken from me.
