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Sean scarcely moved but his expression changed. It was almost imperceptible, but Rory could see the disappointment in his brother’s eyes.

“My boss, he was attacked. He died in hospital just last week.”

Sean looked genuinely shocked. “Jesus, I’m sorry to hear that. I know you really liked the guy.”

“Yeah, he was good to me, and he would’ve been good to you as well.” Rory quashed down the emotions threatening to fight their way to the surface. “Thing is, I don’t know what’s going to happen, who’s going to buy the place and whether I’ll even have a job. I hope I’ll be kept on and there’ll be work for you as well, but I couldn’t let you cruise along thinking it was all set up.”

Sean nodded. “Don’t give yourself a hard time. Put yourself first, try and stay in there. Look, I might need some time off grid anyway.” He wrapped one large hand around the back of his neck rubbing at the base of his skull. “Some of the guys here have latched onto my skill set. Now they are dropping heavy hints they want me on side for jobs.”

“Shit. How did that happen?”

“I trusted someone I shouldn’t have, simple as that. It was stupid of me. You can’t trust anyone in here. Thing is, I think I should lay low once I get out, just for a while.”

Rory nodded. “Any plans I can help you with?”

“A bike with a full tank?” Sean gave a lopsided grin.

Rory smiled instantly, relieved to feel the tension break.

“You got it.”

“Figured I’d go back to Wales. All they know is I’m London based with Irish connections. Never told them about our time in the land of the dragons. It’s going to be the safest place for me to go off grid right now.”

“Any other reason you want to go back to Wales?”

Sean shook his head and lowered his eyelids but not before Rory saw something there, something that made him think Sean might be going back to see Rowan. He thought about telling his brother he’d seen Rowan, that she’d had been left high and dry by her boyfriend and had a baby to look after, but he didn’t want to complicate things. Sean had a plan and that was good enough. Sky’s family would give him a bed if he needed it.

“I’ve seen Draco,” Rory offered, by way of news. “He’s got himself some highflying job in the city.”

Sean frowned. “Seriously?”

“Yeah I’m not sure it’s above board, but he swears it is. Wait until you see him—he’s turned into a suit.”

“No shit!” Sean laughed gruffly.

Rory nodded. It felt good to see his brother laugh. “Sky’s in London too.”

He tried to mention it as nonchalantly as possible. He wanted to know how his brother would react. Sean was his only family, since their dad had gone walkabout, his only real family. Now that George had gone too, there was no one really close he could talk to. The guys he shared lodgings with were good guys but more often than not they spoke to each other in their own language. Rory was the outsider. “She’s working as a barista. Makes good coffee.” He smiled. “And she hopes to go to Art College.”

Sean studied him for a long time before he reacted. “Are you seeing her?”

It was tentatively asked. Rory knew his brother understood.

“Yes, we’ve spent time together and it’s been good, really good. Draco wasn’t happy about it though.”

Again Sean laughed. “No surprise there.”

“He’s accepted it, reluctantly.”


“It’s different. We always got on, all of us, but we’re not forced together now. It’s more natural.”

“No escaping the Brady Bunch, huh?” Sean smiled, genuinely amused.

Rory pointed at him, acknowledging the shared joke. “It wasn’t so very bad though, was it?”

Sean inhaled audibly. “No, it wasn’t.” They studied each other silently and eventually Sean voiced the unspoken question hanging between them. “And Rowan?”

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