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Draco reluctantly did up the seatbelt, wondering where they were headed. Considering the look of contempt on Compton senior’s face, Draco figured the driver had instructions to swing by the local refuse site in order to discharge him into the waste incinerator.

The silence continued to weigh heavy, increasing the tension inside the car.

“I hope you’ve had enough time to cool down and consider the severity of your situation,” Compton Senior stated.

“Yes, thank you, Sir.” Draco hadn’t meant to sound quite as sarcastic as he did. For a moment he thought Compton’s mouth twitched, as if he was suppressing a smile, b

ut in a second it was gone.

“I understand you’re an ambitious young man. Lara built a strong case for you, but I could see it myself. However, I don’t appreciate being hoodwinked, nor did I request advice on how to run my own company.” He stared across at Draco, but when Draco went to respond, Compton put up his hand to stop him. “I’ve had my IT department go over everything you’ve done. The database is a vast improvement on what was already there and you’ve built in some impressive features.”

It wasn’t what Draco expected to hear, and it brought some level of relief, and yet he sensed a big “but” was coming.

“You’re talented, there’s no question. And as far as we’ve been able to establish, you’ve only looked at the critical query Lara requested of you and haven’t overstepped those bounds. Had you in any way benefited personally from your short time in the student placement in my company you’d be banged up for a long time ahead, believe me.”

Draco nodded. He knew he was getting off lightly, but he didn’t dare hope for the kind of reaction he was receiving. Compton had been through his history. There wouldn’t have been trace of his actions anywhere, because that’s what he was good at. However, it was a relief they hadn’t simply assumed he’d been lining his own pockets.

“As you so rightly pointed out,” Compton continued, “I didn’t have a college education myself. Cute reminder, thanks, I needed that.” Now it was Compton who sounded sarcastic.

Draco tried to remain impassive and focused.

“I pulled myself up by the boot straps, using whatever skills I could lay my hands on, just like you.” Compton gestured vaguely at him with his hand. “It was different back then, but if you had confidence, a decent suit, and access to headed notepaper, you could make a career path and that’s what I did. Things are more complicated these days, commercial rules and regulations are tighter. They have to be because the business model is so tightly ingrained with the technical side. I’d advise any young man seeking a career in finance or IT to get themselves a college education.”

Finally he paused, expectantly.

“With the greatest of respect, Sir, that wasn’t possible for me due to family circumstances. We didn’t have the money, I still don’t.” It was the God’s honest truth. “I’m keen and I’ve got skills. I regret my time hacking, in fact I’d vowed to stay clear of all of it.”

Again Compton Senior lifted his hand. “I’ve heard this from Lara, all night long. She wants to take the blame, which I wouldn’t allow if you had in any way benefited it from your access to the company’s accounts and software.”

Draco stared across at Lara. She’d been fighting his corner all along. His chest ached with pride. Finally, her eyelids lifted and she looked back at him. Draco was sure then, as sure he could be, she felt something for him the way he did for her.

“Sir, I never would’ve done anything to jeopardize Lara’s relationship with you. We became close.” And I’m in love with her, he silently added. He nearly said it aloud, but the stern look on her father’s face assured him it wasn’t the right time. Did Compton senior suspect there was so much more between them? “I valued the chance to work inside an organization such as yours.”

At some point the car had drawn to a halt.

Compton Senior glanced at his watch. “Go get yourself cleaned up. Come to my office at two this afternoon. We’ll discuss the possibility of extending your student placement in the company.”

Draco reeled.

Compton reached for the door handle and opened the door, gesturing with his hand, indicating Draco should get out.

“Yes, Sir.” Draco undid his seatbelt, but paused.

Lara hadn’t moved. She was staying put. He glanced outside and realized he was being dropped off at the apartment, alone.

He reached across and briefly took Lara’s hand in his own, squeezing it affectionately. It wasn’t much, but he hoped it would mean something to her, the way it did to him.

Once he was outside the door closed behind him and the stretch limousine sped off. Staring after it, Draco tried to organize his thoughts and feelings. Most of all he wanted to hang onto Lara, to keep her by his side, but that was clearly nonnegotiable. She’d known that’s how it would pan out from the moment she stepped into the police station. Had it been a pay off? Fetch him then leave him alone to see if he took off or stuck it out?

The important thing was the door was still ajar.

He needed to get his arse back into Compton Finance before C.S. changed his mind and the door was slammed and bolted.

** *

Lara looked back at Draco standing outside the building. She craned her neck and peered out the rear window until she could no longer see him.

Slumping back into her seat, she quashed down a heartfelt sigh.

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