Page 2 of Rampant

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The young male was close to climax at this point, and his buttocks worked the master’s shaft as he bucked and ground into the female.

The clutch of his anus was so tight and hot that the master grunted, and then drove deeper, feeding on their fire and the vital energy that came from beyond.

The master cursed in awe when he saw the image of Annabel McGraw reflected in the salver that lay on the ground, her black hair shimmering. Her image was alight with dark, unruly fire, and she had one hand outstretched from her untimely grave.

His heart raced, for the power that was within his grasp held a dark thrill. His body shuddered, his balls lifting, his cock jerking. Even as the image of Annabel blurred and faded in his moment of release, he knew what they needed: a host.

A host who was not of the brethren.


/> AROUSAL. ZOË FELT IT AS SOON AS HER CAR approached the village of Carbrey. Her thighs instinctively pressed together, her hands moving on the surface of the steering wheel. It was almost as if a warm, lingering touch had moved over her entire body. The sensation was pleasant, and it caused a sensuous shiver to pass through her, but it was so odd that she had to glance into the backseat to reassure herself that there was no one in the car with her. She wondered if she’d driven into a humid weather trough. It was particularly hot, even for late August, but this was different. This felt as if the warmth were all around her—and inside her, too.

It was like, what? Being turned on?

Surely not?

“Too weird,” she said aloud, her hands tightening on the steering wheel. She glanced at her reflection in the mirror. Running one hand around the back of her neck, she tried to concentrate. The long drive from London to the east coast of Scotland had got to her, that’s what it was. She’d stopped overnight in York the night before, but had covered the rest of the journey in one lap. A coffee stop after Edinburgh might have been a good idea. Reaching for the air-conditioning, she flicked it up a notch.

Ahead, an old-fashioned black-on-white signpost pointed the way to the village. She was almost there. She’d memorized the directions, and she knew the right-hand fork led to the coast road, the left led down the cliff side and into Carbrey, the harbor village where she’d rented a cottage. She took the left fork and then pulled her car up onto the grass verge. Still she felt it, like warm breath moving over her skin, as if she weren’t alone.

“I need fresh air,” she murmured.

Just beyond the spot where she had parked was a heavily wooded area, and she got out of the car to take a better look. Stretching, she leaned up against the side of the car. The sun felt good on her back and she only vaguely registered the occasional passing car as she stared over at the tall trees that stood so close together against the cliff side, like sentries.

It would feel good to go in there, into the mysterious enclave of the forest, to walk barefoot in the moss and rest her body up against the large tree trunks. It wasn’t something she’d normally think about, but she found the idea oddly compelling and she stared into the verdant gloom between the trees, imagining what it might feel like, what the scent of the forest would do to her. As she thought about it, she could almost feel the mossy ground beneath her feet and the brush of the leaves against her hands as she wended her way through the woods.

“Car trouble?”

The voice was close by and Zoë’s heart leapt in her chest, her pulse erratic as she turned in the direction of the man who had spoken. She hadn’t even heard the motorcycle approach. It purred softly, all shiny black metal and chrome. The rider switched off the engine and took off his helmet. Pale blond hair spilled to his shoulders. Gray-green eyes scrutinized her.

“No,” she managed to reply, “I was just admiring the view.” She gestured in the general direction of the forest, unable to drag her attention away from him.

Built tall and distinctive-looking, he demanded her attention even more than the pretty countryside. He had a defined jaw and cheekbones, and the most sensuous mouth she’d ever seen. Taking a deep breath, she smiled.

“I saw you pull up as I came along the coast road. Thought you might have lost your way.” He spoke with a rich Scottish accent, and one corner of his mouth lifted as he contemplated her. “Maybe I can help.”

There was something that he could help her with, and that thing came to mind in blazing 3D graphics. An image of him climbing over her, thrusting inside her, flashed through her mind. Where did that come from?

She stared, rudely, but she couldn’t help it. She wanted to drag him over her and demand contact. A chuckle escaped her lips. He was very attractive; her reaction was to be expected. Broad shoulders outlined in a leather jacket and faded blue jeans outlined strong muscular thighs to perfection. Her gaze was instinctively drawn to the bulge at his groin, and she caught her bottom lip between her teeth, her face heating before she managed to drag her attention away.

He kicked down the bike stand and climbed off it, peering at her with those intense gray-green eyes, the sort of eyes you didn’t forget in a hurry. “Sure you’re okay? You look kind of startled. Is that my fault?”

He gave her a slow once-over, his gaze lingering around her bare midriff, then he locked eyes with her, the question hanging in the air between them. She felt that weird feeling again, as if something had wrapped itself around her, sinuous, and oddly seductive. Why the hell am I thinking about sex?

Too long since I had it, maybe.

The sun shone bright behind his head and for a moment she felt dizzy and disoriented, gazing up at him.

Answer him.

She shielded her eyes. “I’m fine, thank you. I’m just about to set off.”

He loomed closer, blocking out the sun, his face in shadow. “Stay very still,” he instructed.

Her breath caught in her throat when he reached over with one leather-gloved hand and lifted her hair from where it clung to her neck. Something moved against her skin and she jumped.

“Still as you can,” he whispered, and she felt his breath against her face. His proximity made her feel deliciously unsteady, her state of arousal increasing by the moment. As he bent over her neck, she was glad of the car at her back, holding her up.
