Page 6 of Double Dare

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"I won't tell," he assured her, smiling. He was happy to take it on. Especially if it meant he had access to the lovely Abigail Douglas.

Chapter Two

Abby closed the boardroom door behind her and joined the meeting. Tom Robertson, the Executive Director, watched over as they arranged themselves. It was a fairly small, select group that had been summoned for the project control meeting and they gathered at one end of the polished mahogany table.

Aside from herself and Ed, Penny Conroy had been summoned. Penny had been working as an assistant to Abby and Ed for the past eighteen months. She sat poised at the edge of her seat, her ash-blonde hair scraped back into a tight swirl, speared at the nape of her neck with a carved wooden creation akin to a spear. She had strange gray eyes and looked as if she never needed to rest.

Caroline Bradshaw, the legal representative of their company, was also present. She was the one who kept them all on their toes. Quiet and observant, her personal characteristics reflected her role as shadow to the team's work.

"Thank you for gathering so promptly," Tom began, rising to his feat and pacing, as was his way. "I want to discuss some re-organization of project control, with changes taking affect immediately. If anyone has any problems with my suggestions, please voice them." He was, as ever, leading the group, but giving an appearance of shared control and responsibility.

"I'd like to begin by stating that I don't normally advise shifting project control about like this, and you may be wondering why I am taking this route now." A murmur of acknowledgement ran round the assembled group. "The situation is that I've been asked to personally manage a prestige account, so the asset management of the Pascal portfolio is going to have to leave my hands. This will have an inevitable impact on the team workload, but I've already informed all the clients involved so we can move forward."

"Pascal has been a complicated client portfolio because they wanted analysis of previous investments as well as onward management. I'm only mid way with the analysis, so that's the first priority." He rested his hands on the table and looked round at them. "It's a two person job, so you're all going to be shifted."

As the meeting rolled on, it turned out to be just as Ed had suggested. Tom was handing over to Ed, who would lead the team for Pascal. Penny would also go over to the project full time. Abby wondered how Ed had found out so much beforehand, then she noticed that Penny anticipated every word from Tom's mouth with a self-satisfied gleam in her eye. Abby began to wonder what the purpose of the meeting was, if everybody already knew what was going to be said—where was the fun and the mystery in that? She smiled inwardly. It was one of the reasons why she didn't socialize with them as much as she used to—they all took themselves far too seriously.

Tom turned to Abby. "And briefly, in conclusion, the matter of the Ashburn portfolio. That I am going to place in your hands, Abigail. I am confident that you'll be able to continue with that project and see it through to a long renewal." He smiled graciously, his sharp eyes affectionate, as if he knew she'd be pleased about it.

Abby felt the rush of adrenaline that came from a welcome challenge. It was indeed a good opportunity. "I'll be glad to take it on, Tom," she replied, and her smile was genuine. Next to the thrill of an orgasm this was the sort of thrill she enjoyed most of all.

"I'm sure the new arrangements will benefit the clients involved and exhibit our dedication to success. We always have 'the best interests of the customer's account at heart.'". He smiled while he quoted the company motto.

When the meeting dispersed Tom targeted Abby and took her to one side. "Are you happy with the additional responsibility?" He had a quality about him that was both charming and disarming, a skill that had undoubtedly established him in life. His presentation was immaculate. He never had a silvering-hair out of place.

She gave him a confident nod. "I'm sure things will go smoothly. The project has less than three weeks until the contract renewal date."

Tom nodded, but remained thoughtful. "Adrianna Ashburn is a formidable lady."

Abby smiled. "So I understand."

Tom returned the smile, but briefly. "She's also rather eccentric and liable to move her account after the trial period."

Ed had hinted as much, but Abby hadn't realized Tom was anxious about it.

"It's her baby and handing it over clearly hasn't been easy." He paused for emphasis. "I'd really like to secure this portfolio for permanent management by our team."

Abby nodded. He was concerned that she'd thought she was getting the easy part of the bargain, and he was telling her privately that she hadn't. Far from it, she knew that. "If I keep the turnover levels up and complete new developments to the client's satisfaction during that time—and I'm sure I can—then there shouldn't be anything to worry about."

She was aware that Tom considered her a bit of a law unto herself. She didn't exactly play by the rules when it came to business, but her track record had proven her a risk worth taking. She was also aware of his watchful eye over her work. To be left alone in charge of such a major account was quite a step forward, and no small acknowledgement of her ability on his behalf.

"I don't doubt you can, Abby. But if you need any help, don't hesitate to come to me. At any time." He gave her a lingering look that was edged with sexual references.

Abby was surprised. She'd heard about his many affairs but hadn't previously felt his attention focusing on her. It was flattering, but Abby didn't reciprocate his interest. In their high-flying corporate world it was far too easy to have sex for all the wrong reasons, and if she thought on it too long she knew she'd already done that with Ed.

She thanked him for his confidence in her, then looked over his shoulder and saw that Ed and

Penny were engrossed in conversation as they left the room. Caroline had already gone.

"I should grab Ed's files and get on with the job." She nodded at Tom, picked up her notes and left.

In the ladies restroom she peered at her reflection analytically. She didn't look like a highflying investment manager, never had. The mop of reddish brown hair didn't help. In the right light it could pass for chestnut or auburn. In this rather unforgiving light it looked ginger.

The door opened behind her. "Hi, Abby." Caroline's oval reflection appeared next to her own in the mirror. "Grabbing a minute to yourself?"

"Yes, before the onslaught." Abby glanced down into her bag to find her comb.

"It's going to be tough, but you'll be fine. Call on me if you need any support." She patted Abby's arm.

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