Page 64 of Double Dare

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"Another woman?" Her expression grew pensive. "There's another woman?" She looked as if someone had just told her the world was about to end.

He reached over to kiss her. "Hush," he whispered, "you're the only woman. This was a long time ago."

She flung herself back on the bed, laughing with relief. "And there was me thinking I was the shady secret in our affair."

No that's me, my love. "You're far from that, Abby."

When she rolled back, she propped herself up on her elbow again. "So there was another woman, what is it about her that's something you've never told anyone before now?" She narrowed her eyes and peered at him analytically, as if she could read it on his face. Humor wasn't far from her expression.

"I think she made it hard for me to trust people." Delivering that small statement somehow felt as if a gaping wound had been reopened. "I was a lot younger and I wasn't taking any responsibility in life, I was just out for a good time. The odd thing was it didn't occur to me that I wasn't the only one. Nathan and I hitched up with these two women traveling through Europe on the trail of summer rock festivals. The four of us were together for about two weeks. Then she disappeared—together with my credit cards and my wallet." It wasn't quite as straightforward as that. She'd found out he had money and she'd ripped him off good and proper.

Abby watched him, her intelligent eyes so gently enquiring now that she realized he was serious. "And did she take your heart, too?"

He stroked her hand, smiled and shook his head. "It might have felt like it at the time, but I didn't know what love was, back then."

She stared at him as his words sank in. Eventually, she nodded. "Friends are always telling me I trust too readily, that I don't have the thick hide I need to survive in the world I work in."

"The underlying tenderness is what makes Abigail Douglas special, but I think you probably do trust too easily. I mean...I could have been anybody, but you trusted me." It was as if a cruel tormenting demon had taken up residence in his mind and his every thought was laden with self-ridicule. He'd have to shake it off, or he'd ruin the evening.

"Yes, but that's what I wanted. I liked idea of a sexy, mystery man for a lover." She winked at him.

He rested his fingers in her hair, teasing it out. "I think you are helping me to trust again." He meant the words. It had been hard, but he would trust Abigail Douglas with his life.

Would she ever trust him again though, when she found out who he really was?

Chapter Twelve

Nathan stood outside Camden Tube station, scanning the crowds of people spilling out from the escalators. The evening party people were out in force. He spotted Suzanne's blonde hair just as her arm raised through the crowd to wave at him. His instant reaction on seeing her was satisfaction, like he was whole again. He felt like a teenager, lovesick. He wanted to shout out to everyone around them: "Hey, look everyone, this is my woman, she's with me."

She ran toward him, looking sexier than ever in hipster jeans and a black leather vest with a gauzy black mesh t-shirt underneath. A peep of black bra beneath it made him want to strip her to find out if she was wearing matching undies.

She jumped onto him, locking her arms around his neck and her legs around his thighs, like a happy koala clinging to its tree trunk. The greeting had grown familiar now, third time around. He held her bottom in his hands, squeezing her tight against him as he kissed her.

"Hey, big man."

"Hey, little lady."

She gave a throaty laugh as she ruffled his spiky hair. Her eyes were lined with kohl, her curls secured in a cute topknot.

"Ready for the gig?" He lowered her to the ground.

"Absolutely." She tucked in beneath his arm and they walked towards the venue. Her expression gradually turned serious as they wended their way through the crowded pavements. "Listen, there's something I wanted to ask you about." Her tone was tentative.

He had a sinking feeling. Was she going to call it off?

"I've got a sort of a family event coming up soon, and I was kind of wondering if you'd like to come along with me?"

Relief hit him. Not only that but the sense of satisfaction was back. She wanted her family to meet him, but she'd been worried to ask. She had no idea how pleased he was. He pulled a mock frown. "You have a 'sort of' family event that you were 'kind of' wondering if I'd like to go to with you?"

She punched him in the ribs. "Don't you make fun of me."

"I'd love to go with you."

"You don't want to know what it is first?"

"No. If you want me to go with you, I'm there already."

She wrapped her arms around him, pushing her face into his T-shirt as she gave him a hug. "It's my brother's twenty first."

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