Page 39 of The Strangling

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"Alas, it will make him and his kind all the stronger."

That sounded so bad, her heart sank.

"Come my love, we are just beginning our battle, take heart in the trap we have set Veldor. With luck, the demon will feast on his sorry soul. Good fortune is with us.” And with that strange comfort, he urged her on, at speed.

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When he heard the woman's scream breaking through the atmosphere, Veldor lit through like a torch in the night. “They are here, Bron, and the May-born,” he shouted over to Cale, and the words were triumphant.

Following the direction of the sound, he looked towards the dark trees where two of the men had already been lurking around talking quietly between themselves, when the scream had issued from beyond them. Veldor looked at their confounded expressions and snapped. “It is the woman, and Bron. Go and find them, hurry, bring them here,” he commanded, waving them back into the darkness.

Impatience h

ad been making him edgy, but once he heard that fear-filled cry, he knew the time was finally nigh. An immense sense of anticipation took root in him. Gathering up his sword and lighting a torch from the fire, he gestured to the other men who were rising to their feet.

Cale frowned over at him. “They were not coming in this direction?"

He was right. Veldor frowned, and paused. Shutting his eyes, he quickly soared free of his physical form and looked across the landscape from above. He saw a burning patch of red light spilling from the earth, beyond where his men had stood. That is where the scream had issued from; something had happened there. Even as he watched the red light spilling out, oozing through the dried earth, he became aware of his men approaching it, and the two figures moving beyond, in the opposite direction to where they had made their camp, at the spire.

His eyes snapped open. “No, they head north."

"But why don't they come here?” Cale gestured towards the ruined spire.

Veldor did not answer, his mind shifting with questions and sudden insecurity. Did Bron know something he didn't? Or was he setting some sort of trap for him, to get him out of the way? He didn't have time to think on it long, though, for another cry issued from the depths of the dark woods, and this time it was a male voice.

"What in thunder is going on out there?” Cale said, as he stared into the gloom.

Whatever it was, they had to know. Veldor broke into a run, calling for the others to follow. He thundered into the darkness, holding the torch aloft and following the trampled path left by his men. As they grew closer to the spot, he saw red light flickering between the skeletal trees, luring them in. What was it? As he got closer he slowed down and put up his hand to stop the others. He handed Cale the torch. Ducking behind a tree and glancing out, he stared in disbelief at the sight in front of them.

One of the men lay slumped on the ground as if he had been thrown, his clothes were stained with blood, his face contorted in horror, and his eyes rolled back in his head. Standing nearby was a mighty demon. Veldor looked in awe at the impressive beast-lord from the underworld. He had heard many tales, read many descriptions, but nothing had prepared him for the sight of this awe-inspiring creature. The demon held the second man in his grip, the body limp and ragged, as he devoured the man's heart straight from his chest. Behind him, red light poured out of a gaping chasm in the earth.

Veldor grinned, for this is what he'd come for, to align himself with the powers that thrived in the underworld. He glanced about looking for more such creatures, for his understanding was that the demons rarely traveled alone, but in swarms, like insects. They were out there, he was sure. This one was a scout, but the others would be rising soon. Meanwhile, he had to declare himself to this one, and now, before Bron and the May-born got too far away.

Stepping forward, arms outstretched, he quickly drew the attention of the demon. “Lord of the underworld, we are here to form an allegiance with you and your kind."

The demon lifted his head and peered at Veldor.

Veldor took a deep breath. This was his telling moment, if he didn't get it right, he would go the way of the first of his men. “I have communed with your underworld, I wish to join with you, serve you, bring you true and worthy sacrifice.” He gestured at the limp body the demon held, waving at it dismissively. “The woman who is said to have power over you. I can deliver her unto you."

The demons nostrils flared and he dropped the body he held, his wings opening behind him as he turned his attention to Veldor.

Veldor looked at the immense wings moving, black skin on racks of bone, stretching and flapping as the creature lumbered towards them. He swallowed down his doubts; he was meant to be here, he had communed with the underworld. His confidence faltered though, when the rank odor of death preceded the creature.

"Veldor, flee now before it is too late,” hissed Cale beside him.

Veldor heard the other men backing away into the undergrowth. His heart beat wildly in his chest. He shook his head. No, he had not come to run. He looked at the demon with pleading eyes. “Demon master of the underworld, I beseech you to understand my motives."

The demon's lips peeled back, revealing feral teeth. He reached out and clasped Veldor around the shoulders, hauling him closer for inspection, his eyes glittering yellow in the night. Lifting Veldor by the shoulders, the demon placed one claw against Veldor's throat, tipping his head back and scrutinizing him.

Veldor struggled for breath, his hands on the scaly skin of the demons forearms. One jag and his throat would be torn out. The creature sniffed him, and he knew that if the demon smelled fear upon him, they would be deemed unworthy. He shut his eyes, willing himself to be strong enough to endure the inspection.

I am a worthy soldier. I can lead your demon hordes as only a living man might. He projected the thoughts to the demon again and again. I will be your ally, your agent between the living and the dead.

The beast breathed out, and rank air flooded Veldor's lungs as he struggled for each breath. He heard the sound of his men balking, when the demon's tongue snaked out and slowly traversed his face, tasting every part of him. He felt the brush of those feral teeth on his skin, as the creature laved him, and he sensed the amusement in the beast as he did so. The demon was toying with him, testing him. But even so, Veldor braced himself for the worst.

* * * *
