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“Sorry you’re sick, honey. But, I’m sure you’ll live. Tell me who that man is!” she says, her voice full of excitement.

“Oh, my God. I’ve been sick. He’s been helping me while my mother is gone,” I respond, trying to sound exasperated, but unable to hold back my mirth.

“From what I hear he's gorgeous. The teachers who work the carpool lane have been talking about him non-stop. Does he take clients? I’m about to be sick. I need someone to come and take care of me.”

I laugh, but it turns into a cough. I also hear the back door open and I get up to see who opened it. I look out the window to see Dean and Anthony in the backyard. It’s surreal to see him in my backyard with my son. Two weeks ago, I didn’t think I’d ever see him again.

I walk back to the couch and listen

as Laila starts talking again. “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to act like I don’t care that you’re sick. How are you feeling?” she asks warmly once I’ve stopped coughing.

“I’m not great, but better than I was a few days ago. Dean, my friend, has been staying here and helping.”

“Your friend? What kind of friend?” she asks coyly.

“None of your business!” I shoot back, but I'm laughing.

“Oooh, he’s that kind of friend. I'm so happy to hear this, Milly.” I can hear the excitement in her voice.

“Don’t get too excited.” But really, I’m the pot calling the kettle black. I'm brimming with excitement.

“Okay, well, I’m going to let you get back to your friend. Feel better. See you guys this weekend?” She's asking about the boys’ soccer practice.

“Yes, for sure. Thank you for calling.”

We disconnect and I walk to the backdoor and stick my head out. They both look up when they hear the door open and their smiles are two beams of sunshine.

Dean walks over and leaves Anthony climbing the jungle gym he has nearly outgrown.

“I’m glad you’re up and about, but maybe you shouldn’t overdo it. The doctor said you’d be tired for about a week. Let’s get you back to bed.”

He puts his hand on my elbow, and I want to collapse into him. It feels so good to be touched by these hands again.

“Okay, sure. I'm a little tired.” As if sensing my need, his hand slides up my arm and wraps around my waist. He lets me lean on him as we walk inside and up the stairs. We stop outside the door to my room.

“Thank you for bringing me up. I’m okay, though. Anthony’s alone out there.” He looks like he wants to argue, but nods and drops his arm from my waist.

He leans forward to brush his lips against my check. My eyes involuntarily close at the contact. He smells so good.

His kiss is reverent, and I know his eyes are closed, too. I reach up to grip his arm, and he sighs and leans his forehead against mine. Our breaths mingle, my heart races, my nipples peak, and I can feel the moisture building between my legs. We stand there—closer, physically, than we have been in a long time. But my emotions are all over the place.

And I need to think. I need to get my feelings straight. I'm too vulnerable after the whirlwind of today, and I don’t think I can fight the feelings stirring to life between us.

Dean and I have agreed to get to know each other again. Who we are now is sullied by everything that has happened since the last time we saw each other. I know we need to talk about all of that before we can really attempt a friendship or anything beyond it.

I pull my forehead back and see his eyes are closed and for a split-second I study his face. His lashes, always a dark brown and totally at odds with his blond hair, rest on his cheeks. His skin is golden and is almost as smooth as it was when he was eighteen.

My hand comes up to caress his cheek and his eyes open. The expression in them stills my hand. He looks like I feel. Scared, excited. He knows we have much to overcome and he's dreading and looking forward to it as much as I am. I break the contact and take a step back.

“Okay, shout if you need me or send Anthony upstairs if he gets to be a handful.”

“Okay, but we’ve been managing on our own since Saturday morning, Red.”

Hearing him call me this, so easily, sends a thrill through me.

I head into my room and sit on my bed, thinking about how I got here.

Finding Dean had not been on my list of things to do on my Remember Milly project. I touch the heart shaped pendant on my chest, the one that is demanding I remember everything. Which includes letting myself recall how I felt about him all those years ago.
