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“Anything for you, baby,” she sings back at him.

She turns around to face the front as we pull out of the airport and gets her bag settled on the floorboard.

“So, Mil, how are you? And how is Mom holding up? What the a

ctual fu—” She glances at Anthony and winces apologetically. “I mean, what in the world is going on?”

I look back at Anthony, he’s engrossed in his Kindle again but I lower my voice to a whisper before I speak.

“I don’t know, but I think it will do Mom a lot of good to see you. Listen, I want to tell you something, but I don’t want you to freak out. And I don’t want you to tell anyone.”

She leans back and looks at me with feigned shock. “What? Milly is keeping secrets? Don’t let me find out you’ve started dancing for dollars.” She laughs out loud at this.

“Shut up. My son is in the car, and I’m trying to tell you something!” I hiss.

“Okay, sorry.” She sounds anything but. “Go ahead.”

“Kevin and I have split up—”

“Fuck, yes! It’s about Goddamn time.” She pumps her fist as she whispers back to me.

“Gee, thanks, Lil.”

“Sorry, Milly, but you sold yourself short marrying that bozo. Our little guy is the only reason I’m glad you got with him.”

I reach over and slap her leg.

“Ouch, you know I’m right, Milly,” she says.

“I have more to tell if you’ll shut it,” I snap at her.

“Holy shit, I’m shutting up. Tell me!” she begs.

I grin at her and say, as neutrally as I can, “Well, I’m seeing someone. And it’s serious.”

She lunges over the center console of my car and wraps her arms around my neck. “Oh, my God! That’s awesome!” she screeches in my ear.

“Let go. You’re going to get us killed.” I push her off, but her reaction pleases me.

“Who is he? Tell me everything!” she demands.

I glance her at her quickly and smile before I say, “It’s Dean.”

“Dean?” she shouts. “From high school? Holy crap. I'm so happy for you. He was so hot. Is he still hot?” She's bouncing in her seat.

I can’t contain my giggle and blush. “Yes, he is. And it’s amazing. I'm so happy. I’ve never been so happy. I mean, he’s just . . .” I sigh and lean forward on the steering wheel.

She looks at me, her eyes wide, and her mouth open.

“Oh, my God. You’re in love.” She drags out the “o” in love and puts her hand over her heart.

“I am. And it’s amazing. Life in general right now is. Well, except for this craziness with Dad.” I glance in the back seat, Anthony still is absorbed in his Kindle and happily eating his cookies.

“I don’t understand what in the world is going on. I’m glad you came, even though I’m surprised,” I say, carefully. I don’t want to upset her, but I want to be honest.

“It’s okay. It was time. It’s been a long time, and Mom needs me,” she says as if something important and rare hasn’t just happened.

I try to hide my surprise and am about to ask her what she means when my phone rings.
