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“What are you doing here?” I ask her without trying to hide the annoyance I'm feeling.

“Actually, your mother is only here because of me. I called her after I saw that picture. I knew I had to intervene before you made a fool of yourself.”

My mind moves, processing what she said. That damn picture.

“Anyway, I called your mother. Told her we’d broken up and that you were taking up with some woman. When I described Milly, she said she would reach out to Cristal to ask for tickets.”

My gaze snaps to my mother. So, she lied. Again.

Oblivious or indifferent to my annoyance, Nicola smiles sweetly at my mother.

“She thought maybe you seeing me again would make you realize what a mistake you’ve made. She asked me to join her here, so here I am. I’m really happy to be here for your grand opening, Dean. It’s an amazing party. You should be proud of how hard you’ve worked.”

She says all of this in a nonstop monologue. While she talks I look at my mother, completely incredulous she would dare meddle in my private life again. She has only met Nicola once before, when she came with me on one of my trips to visit my mother last year, but I know she liked her. She’s told me Nicola reminded her of herself. I should have run a mile when she said it, but I was in denial.

But showing up here with her is too much. I look at Nicola with derision.

“Well, I’m glad you got to make a trip to DC. I hope you enjoy the museums and the monuments. As for me making a mistake, the only mistake I made was to get mixed up with you in the first place. Enjoy the party.” I speak in a pleasant tone I hope won’t draw any attention. I need all of the press coming out of this party to be positive. I don’t need the headlines to be CEO and ex-fiancée have screaming match at DC Grand Opening.

I smile unpleasantly at them and turn to walk away, now desperate to find Milly.

She's not where I saw her last. I walk around the room looking for her, but also stopping to talk to employees, competitors, clients, and friends who have shown up tonight. The room is full, and it takes me a while to get through the crowd.

I feel

a tap on shoulder and turn around to see Cristal standing behind me.

“It’s time for your speech.” She motions to the small podium set up in the front of the room. So, I walk over to say the words I’ve prepared.

I stand in front of the podium and scan the room. I see my mother and Nicola standing off to the left of me, both of them glaring at me. I dismiss them, my eyes traveling the room until I see Milly, standing to my right, next to a pillar. She's watching me with unabashed love in her eyes. I wink at her, causing her to grin and wink back.

I turn my attention back to the room and tap the microphone to get everyone’s attention. My remarks are brief and pointed. I know people didn’t come to hear me speak. So, I just welcome them, tell them we have great plans for our new DC headquarters, and encourage them to enjoy themselves.

I walk straight to Milly, put both my hands on her waist, and draw her into me. She braces her hands on my side and keeps me from pulling her too close.

“You look incredible tonight, Red. I can’t take my eyes off of you. I can’t wait to have my mouth on you,” I whisper in her ear.

She sighs and leans her head forward so it rests quickly on the front of my jacket.

“Oh, baby, I wish you could take me home right now. You looked amazing up there giving your speech,” she murmurs as she gazes up at me.

“Soon. Let me mingle a little and then we’ll go.”

She smiles seductively yet sweetly, and looks at me through her lashes.

“Yes, that sound perfect. And this a great party, if I do say so myself.” She takes a sweeping glance around the room. Suddenly, her eyes widen and her smile drops. She pulls away from me and looks at me.

“Dean,” she says gravely and swallows.

“What’s wrong?” I ask, but already know. She must've seen my mother. Milly knew she was coming and said that while she wasn’t excited at the prospect of seeing her, she would be okay. I offered to let my mother know it was a corporate only event and rescind her invitation. But Milly insisted it would be fine. Right now, she looks anything but fine.

“Don’t worry. She wouldn’t dare say anything to you tonight,” I say as I rub my hands up and down her arms.

“Yeah, okay. I know. I’m sorry. It’s just seeing her again was jarring.” The words tumble out in a messy stream of consciousness, and I want to reassure her.

“Listen, if you’re uncomfortable, I will ask her to leave,” I say, and I mean it.

“Oh, no. You can’t do that to your mother. That would be terrible. And not for me. Please, I’ll be fine.”
