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“Don’t get me wrong, I know the problems described are nothing compared to things people go through every day. But, it doesn’t mean I wasn’t happy as fuck to have found you. I know that you were my reward after a lifetime of feeling misunderstood and unseen. So, if this is what I had to go through to end up with a woman like you; have that woman love me, too. To have that woman stand up and defend me? I’d live my lonely, miserable childhood all over again. As long as I knew that at the end of the day I would end up with you.

“You’re the love of my life. You’re the best friend I’ve ever had. And one day, you’re going to be my wife and have my babies.” Her tears are flowing freely again, and I lean in to kiss her lightly.

I wrap an arm around her shoulder and pull her into my side. I pull my phone out and text Greg.

“Come on, let’s go home.” And I say this, meaning let’s get out of here. Because home, to me, has come to mean anywhere Milly is.

She looks up and smiles that smile at me before she nods at me. “Yeah, D. Let’s go home.”


June 2015

* * *

Paris, France

We arrived in Paris this morning. Anthony, my mother, and I all flew in and went to the hotel Simon reserved for us. It’s incredible, sumptuously decorated and with a butler assigned to each room. Lilly arrived before us and is already here. I wish Dean had been able to come, but he had a big investor’s meeting in Houston. It will be a fun trip anyway, all of us are sharing the same suite. It will be like a sleepover.

Simon’s brother, Kyle, his nephew, Henry, are staying in the rooms on either side of us. Simon and Addie are in the hotel, too, but on a different floor so that Addie doesn’t see us.

Tomorrow, we’re all heading to Versailles to witness Simon’s very thoughtful and romantic proposal.

It’s wonderful for all of us to be together again. It’s so different from our last trip when Addie and my mother walked on eggshells around each other and ended up having an epic argument. Now, they have resolved their issues and I know this trip will be very different.

The FBI has left us alone the last few months. I haven’t heard from Agent Walker in more than a month.

Kevin’s child custody petition and claims didn’t carry any weight with the court. We are on the same schedule as we have been while things are pending. Anthony lives with me, sees his dad whenever he wants, and Kevin has him officially every other weekend. He also has him for spring break, and every other Thanksgiving.

I'm sorry things didn’t work out the way I’d hoped when we were first married, but I think all three of us will be happier with this arrangement—at least in the long term.

Kevin and Rachael broke up right before we went to court. Kevin contacted me the night before our hearing to say he would drop his claim for custody if I would take him back. I can’t imagine any circumstances under which I could live with him again. Now that I’ve tasted the sweetness and spice of real love and partnership, I can’t believe I had been willing to live with Kevin in a state of forced companionship for the rest of my life.

We’re getting ready to head down to the suite Kyle and Henry are sharing, where we’ve all agreed to meet for dinner. This will be Anthony’s first time meeting Henry, who is just a month past his first birthday. He’s been talking about his cousin Henry non-stop.

Lilly’s been in a great mood, too. Her trip to DC was short, but very sweet. She just seems to be in a better place overall. This is the happiest I’ve seen her in years. And I can’t wait to get a chance to talk to her and find out what’s behind it.

Just then my phone pings with a text. When I look at the screen I see it’s from Dean. This brings an involuntary smile to my face. We’ve been having the best time over the last month. His mother left for the South of France a few days after his party, and we haven’t heard from her since.

I’ll never understand her determination to keep us apart, but it’s nice she’s gone back to being self-absorbed. Dean is more relaxed than I’ve seen him since we’ve gotten back together.

I open the text and my smile vanishes as I read it.

Dean: Red, something has come up. I’ve got to head to Sedona today. I should be back in a couple of days, definitely before you and Ant Man get back. Hope you’re having a good time. Love you, D.

I re-read it a couple of times and can’t shake my feeling of utter confusion. His mother is in Marseille. Why in the world does he have to go to Sedona?

He’s been in Houston on business and was supposed to fly back to DC today. I hope nothing has happened to his mother. That thought spurs me into action, I exit the messenger application and open my contacts. I find Dean’s number and press the little blue phone icon.

It goes straight to voicemail. I decide against leaving one and simply return his text.

Me: D, what’s come up? Is your mom okay? Call me when you get this.

I put my phone away and walk out into our suite’s sitting room where Lilly, my mom, and Anthony are waiting.

“It’s about time. I was just about to send Anthony in for you.” Lilly stands up and pokes a finger in my ribs.

“Cut it out.” I swat her hand playfully and grab Anthony’s hand. “I had to call Dean really quick.”
